Peanut Butter question for nutritional buffs


New member
I have always enjoyed peanut butter but lately I have become hooked, I'm eating about a quarter jar a day. I have a quick metabolism and have not noticed any real body changes for the worst. I would like to know what you think of eating this quantity of the stuff each day? good? bad? any comments
well as long as it's natural peanut butter which doesn't have the sugar and hydrogenated fats alongside it
it will be a good source of monounsaturated fats which you need
It has protein too but it's incomplete

If you're not getting fat of it then it shouldn't be a problem! Enjoy :D
That's the problem with peanut butter. It's so addictive!
I'm with Muay Thai Guy, if you're not gaining any fat on it, well then just simply enjoy!:D
If you like peanut butter so much check this diet out....

Peanut butter is my cryptonite. I never buy it, because if its around I eat the entire tub in 1-2 days.
just dose it out with a tablespoon. much easier to measure how much you're eating and to control your intake that way.
yeah, think key like other said it measure with tablespoons, and make sure its all natural "no extra sugar" or i have read natural almond butter is really good too
i have me about 4-5 tablespoons of natty peanut butter everyday . love the shit . i dont have any problems at all