peanut butter

Well they are loaded with calories but too much is from sugar and starch, so no they are not a good part of a clean diet, but yes they will put on weight.
white bread--not too good
skippy--- too sugary

natural peanut butter --better but I like to eat it by itself with a glass of milk--or try it on chicken breasts --sort of like thai chicken
Peanut butter is one of nature's best protein. Not only is it loaded with protein, but it also has tons of "good" fats. These fats help the body burn fat (fat is burned in a fat furnace) and should be part of anyone's diet.

It is not a bad food at all, even if it is not "natural". Yes, there are sugars added, but by eating the protein and the fat, you stabilize your blood sugar and glucagon levels, which in turn, prevent the body from storing those sugars as fat.