Peptide Advice


New member
I am back in the gym after a long layoff (2yrs) due to injury. I am doing well (ego hurts) and my diet is on track mostly.

Stats: 5'10 235lbs @23%bf

Workout routine: 1day on 1day off doing 5x5s on the majors. Days off hitting abs and calves or abs and forearms @20-25mins hard no rest. Days on 40-50 mins minimal rest.

Cardio: 45mins am empty stomach (HR 155+ avg) and 30 mins in the evening (light) (HR 135-140ish)

Been on 6 meals for 4 weeks now and recently cut carbs after lunch. Gonna cycle my carbs after about 2 more weeks and hopefully abt 10 more lbs.

I am down from 248lbs when I started 4 weeks ago but feeling down I guess partly ego. Not ready for aas again anytime soon but it is tempting. Any body got any suggestions/advice about peptides? Never used them before.
I know I'm doing good on my own but I'm just looking for that little something extra to help push me through this little down (mentally) time. Even if it is mostly placebo
I can only talk about the peptides I am currently taking.
IGF-1 is a nice little peptide. I take 40 micrograms 30 mins before I work out. The pumps are insane. They hurt actually. Very nice. Eat something after you inject because you will go hypo.

As for other peptides, there is a ton of information here on all things petides.
GNRH and GHRP used together. 100mcg of each 3x a day. always on empty stomach, and dont eat for 45 minutes afterwards, unless its PURE protein, no carbs, no fats.
GNRH GHRP 100mcg 3xday for how many days? SHould it be cycled? Is some kind of post cycle therapy (pct) required? Can this be done concurrently with an AAS cycle?
GNRH and GHRP used together. 100mcg of each 3x a day. always on empty stomach, and dont eat for 45 minutes afterwards, unless its PURE protein, no carbs, no fats.

GNRH GHRP 100mcg 3xday for how many days? SHould it be cycled? Is some kind of PCT required? Can this be done concurrently with an AAS cycle?

I think he meant GHRP/GHRH like Ipamorelin and Mod GRF 1 29. You can run that for several months (~4-6 months) at that dose (and will likely have to for results to be apparent, you can start noticing results at ~3 months IMO). It's good for spiking GH 3 times a day and getting some extra endogenous IGF-1.

For site specific, I'd go for IGF-1 DES 1,3 since that acts faster and harder than IGF-1 LR3 which ends up floating around rather than just acting on the local muscle/tendon. I think IGF-1 DES is great for local growth/healing.

None of these will give AAS type of results, but they can help the healing process and give you a boost.

The other item you could throw in for some anabolism without the shut down would be Ostarine SARMs.

Another one I'm looking at but am still unsure of is Follistatin or ACE-031. I'm waiting to see more people use them first...