Peptide Bloodwork?

Haven't seen anyone post blood work but yes they do work. Results speak for itself and peptides are more of a slow and long adventure not something quick and fast. :)
Well I would love to try them but they just seem to be a placebo effect to me. Just another " supplement ". How can they be so popular with no proof? All of this research and nothing to show?
I have read on other boards where folks posted blood work and like anything else it effects everyone a little differently. 100mcg of compound xyz may give someone a slight boost for person A. Then person B does the same thing and is a hyper responder and goes through the roof. I guess you just have to try it and see how it works for you.
think of peptides being as effective as good creatine hcl, they're not steroids but do have some effect. Worth the money? you have to be the judge of that
Not aloud to post the link but there is another forum that someone did bloodwork from one pin of 100mcg cjc no dac and 100mcg ghrp2 and got a GH reading of 19.8 which is super high. Bloodwork is out there, just not a lot on this site.
I did a little searching on the subject and there is a place by my house that will do a blood test for human growth hormone for $50. I've been on mod grf and ghrp for 1 month now. Would it be worth it to take the test or should I wait? I'm really curious to see what they are doing.
I did a little searching on the subject and there is a place by my house that will do a blood test for human growth hormone for $50. I've been on mod grf and ghrp for 1 month now. Would it be worth it to take the test or should I wait? I'm really curious to see what they are doing.

Definitely take the blood test. If I were you, I'd try to inject both within 30 minutes of the bloodwork (or as close as possible).

Not only would this give you an accurate representation of the degree of GH-boost recieved from the peptides, but it would also give us all insight into how a dose can accurately affect bloods.

Cliffs: Yes, definitely get the bloodwork. Try to inject GHRP and GHRH 30mins before test and post results on here for us to see.
Not aloud to post the link but there is another forum that someone did bloodwork from one pin of 100mcg cjc no dac and 100mcg ghrp2 and got a GH reading of 19.8 which is super high.

I think I saw this blood too. What sucks for us is that he was using both Bromocriptine and a SARM as well, right?

I don't think anyone has posted bloods after just GHRP/GHRH. But it would be of great use to us all.
I'm not trying to hijack this thread, but I'm going to have some blood work done next week. Follow my thread "First Peptide Cycle" if you're interested
Thanks for the replies. Thanks hijacked for the info. I would also appreciate seeing this bloodwork and feel free to hijack this thread.
In case you don't look at my thread, I just got my blood work back and normal is 0.0-2.9 and I got a 39.8 10 or 11 minutes after injection
Check the sticky notes at the top of the forum for some good tips. Generally speaking to aid in fat loss only you could use HGH fragment. Otherwise a GHRH/GHRP combo will help coax the body to make more of its own GH which has other benefits. Do some research on both of those options to see what will meet your specific goals.