Peptide help/advice/guidance please!


New member
Sorry in advance for the ultimate noobie post.
I did a favour for this bloke the other day and he ended up giving me the following(as written on labels):
•GHRP-6 10ml x2
•CJC-1295 x 2 (these don't have anything about ml or mcg on them)
•Sarms s22 x1

Anyway I'd been looking at running a cycle of something for quiet some time so when I got these I was pretty happy with it so as you can expect I'm pretty keen to run em and this is where I hit a brick wall.
Having never used anything like this and I don't really have anyone I can speak to either (I go to a 24hr gym and most the time it's almost empty so there isn't anyone I can talk to there about them) the guy I got them off although I wouldn't ask him how to run em all properly I don't doubt the authenticity of them at all, the guy said to research or ask a forum so hear I am, anyway if you could please help me I would like to know:
- how would I run these?
- what would dosages be?
- where do I pin them?
- what times should I pin
- I know it seems limited but is this a sufficient enough supply for a cycle?
- is this a good enough cycle?
If given this information I will keep a log of my cycle and post my results with photos as well.
Background information:
I'm 22, been Working out for about 3 1/2 years pretty consistently, I'm sitting currently at 90kg and I currently train 3-4 times a week in the gym + twice a week cardio & body weight style workout with footy training and I play footy on the weekend, I wanna run the cycle in the off season (about 2-3 weeks from now) and I'll increase my gym workouts to 5x a week and maybe throw in some boxing sessions 1-2x a week. Thanks, anything information will help, really appreciate it