peptide help


New member
i am going to run a low test 250mg wk callorie deficite to drop fat.. was thinking about addind peptites but honestly i cant figure it out if anyone has time please aqny input is welcome. im going to do alot of cardio and still lift at least 3 times a week x 10 weeks would like to drop 25lbs and not loose muscle
Represent the 614!!!!

Just run a ghrp with a ghrh. I'm using ipamorelin and mod grf 1-29( cjc with out dac) right now. 100 mcg of each 2-3 times a day.
I can't help with the peps, but I dropped cardio and started doing hill sprints. Helped peel about 35 lbs off rather quickly. May have actually gained a little muscle in my quads/hams/calves.