Peptide Storage - Storing GHRP and GHRH together


New member
Is it safe to store GHRP (Ipamorelin) and GHRH (Mod GRF) in a refrigerator within the same pin (a few days to week supply)?

My research has given me this info:

- GHRH and GHRP are safe when injecting your rats within the SAME pin.
- Storage of both peptides in a refrigerator once reconstituted is a must.
- Storage of each peptide within their own pin, in the refrigerator is fine for convenience.
- Constant removal of the reconstituted vials from fridge temperature to normal room temperature will DECREASE ITS POTENCY.

Can someone please explain to me WHY storing these two peptides within the same pin would be detrimental?

I checked with my peptide source and they cannot comment......
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It won't effect it much getting them out to inject. I personally would not mix them in a pin then leave them for days but it probably wouldn't harm it. I just don't see the point.
It won't effect it much getting them out to inject. I personally would not mix them in a pin then leave them for days but it probably wouldn't harm it. I just don't see the point.

The points were stated on this thread:

Here it is again...

1. "The main reason I want to preload the pins is because I hear many discussions stating that taking the reconned vials outside and back inside the fridge, thus changing the temperature of the vials, will make the peptide less potent. There seems to be a general agreement about this."

2. "I would like to load the pins for about a weeks supply so that I am not consistently doing the same procedure over and over again 3X a day 7 days a week, month after month. That makes me nauseous just thinking about it." This help with the convenience factor and avoids redundancy.

If I can preload both peptides in one pin, then I am cutting the use of pins in half while also cutting out half the time. Again...if im going to be pinning my rats 3X a day, I might as well be prepared.
No I understand your points but to me it is pointless. Taking them out of the fridge to dose then putting them back in takes 1 minute or less. It will not harm the peptide and will not degrade. I've had 10mg oh ghrp multiple times and that one vial lasted the entire month without losing potency and I dose 4 x a day at times.

Loading a pin and mixing the peptides IMO would cause more potential harm then leaving them in the vials they come in.

Again it probably won't harm the peptide either way so do what you want to with it but IMO it's a waste of time. Dosing peptides is such a quick and simple process. I've been using peps for years and never had an issue with them.

I understand your concern because everything you read talks about how weak or unstable the amino bonds can be but honestly they are not that unstable and last longer then what most think and while it's best to be cautious and treat them with care but they can be handled quite a bit without any problem.

Good luck to you with your research.
And IMO this would be the same as pre loading gh, hcg, insulin or AAS. The more you move them out of their container the more you risk contamination. I would want to use a pin after going thru two stoppers then being recapped then placed in the fridge for up to a week and then pinned. To many chances to contaminate the pin when compared to drawing from both then injecting.
And IMO this would be the same as pre loading gh, hcg, insulin or AAS. The more you move them out of their container the more you risk contamination. I would want to use a pin after going thru two stoppers then being recapped then placed in the fridge for up to a week and then pinned. To many chances to contaminate the pin when compared to drawing from both then injecting.

Thanks for the response User. I actually received a response from the source today to let me know that it's ok to mix the two peptides, but do not store them together for more than 10 mins. This is manufacturer recommendation.

Looks like I'll be storing each peptide within their own pin.

Now, let's remove the "decrease in potency" theory where you take the peptide outside the fridge to room temperature, I really don't understand why anyone wouldn't store the peptides in the pin for convenience sake alone.

Your doing the EXACT same procedure as you would normally 3X a day, except putting a cap on the pin and storing them in the fridge away from everything else. I really don't see where contamination comes into play as long as the cap is placed back on the pin for storage. I, personally have an insulin freezer carry case which these will go into. There is no possible contamination issues, just as long as I wipe off the vial each time I insert the pin.

IMHO, it just makes sense to load the pins for ease of use, for the upcoming weeks research.
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Is it safe to store GHRP (Ipamorelin) and GHRH (Mod GRF) in a refrigerator within the same pin (a few days to week supply)?

My research has given me this info:

- GHRH and GHRP are safe when injecting your rats within the SAME pin.
- Storage of both peptides in a refrigerator once reconstituted is a must.
- Storage of each peptide within their own pin, in the refrigerator is fine for convenience.
- Constant removal of the reconstituted vials from fridge temperature to normal room temperature will DECREASE ITS POTENCY.

Can someone please explain to me WHY storing these two peptides within the same pin would be detrimental?

I checked with my peptide source and they cannot comment......
because they are not the same peptide and one can mess with the other KEEP THEM IN THE VIALS!! and mix only when you pin them at the most.
because they are not the same peptide and one can mess with the other KEEP THEM IN THE VIALS!! and mix only when you pin them at the most.

Yeah....think we posted at the same time, as i just explained this above.

Manufacturer stated not to store in same pin, but I still see no reason not to store each individual peptide within their perspective pin.