Ph after sarms am I safe?


New member
Hey guys so im on my last week of the cutting stack from sarmsone and I really wana run a cycle of hella now. considering I do a 3 week pct for the sarms would I be okay to run a ph because sarms have little if any effect on test level's right? or should I be taking a bigger break. let me hear what you guys think thanks.
Yea man. Your good.

U could also run hcgenerate on the SARMs and start the ph right after the last day of the SARMs.
I definitely would not advise it. May I ask what sarms you used for your cutting cycle? Except for GW, all sarms products ARE suppressive. Particularly from I've found that sarmssearch is much less problematic on those grounds, AND it's more effective. Based on what little you've mentioned about your protocol, I'd wait at least Time (e.g, six weeks if you did a six week sarms cycle) before starting up a prohormone cycle. Suppression may not be as bad from sarms as from aas, but that doesn't mean you should be reckless. I'd suggest a PCT of HcGenerate+Unleashed+Post Cycle+Forma. Maybe have Liquidex, Aroma, Nolva/Clomid around just in case. But a good natty test pct with some anti estrogens thrown in should get you back on track as long as you give yourself enough time to recover from the sarms. I know, doesn't sound fun; but better safe than....the alternative.
How long were you on the SARMs stack for? If it was a shorter run, I'd say you could bridge directly into helladrol, then a full on PCT... but if you've already started your mini pct for the SARMs (or if it was a longer run), I'd wait a few weeks before jumping on hella. No Rush like Nick said.
I am running GW @ 20 s4 @ 70 for a 5 week cycle, I kicked in forma, DAA, and hc generate in week 3 and was planning on using the pct from mr supps right after which consists of forma, forged test boosters, the test chews, and DAA for 3 weeks and then starting Hella, only reason im kinda rushing is for a vacation at the end of july just trying to how dangerous the shut down would be.
If it was just 5 weeks and only s4 and GW, I personally would just start the hella now and then run the PCT you got from Muscle Research/MR Supps. I know plenty who ran a sarms trip stack with a PH harsher than Hella over the top of the Sarms stack for the last 6 weeks. Not everyone will agree possibly, but I think that's a better option than finishing out your sarms, running that PCT, and then running Hella and having to PCT again. You can then stay natty for a little longer than you may have after your PCT and give your body a longer time to recover/even back out.
I definitely would not advise it. May I ask what sarms you used for your cutting cycle? Except for GW, all sarms products ARE suppressive. Particularly from I've found that sarmssearch is much less problematic on those grounds, AND it's more effective. Based on what little you've mentioned about your protocol, I'd wait at least Time (e.g, six weeks if you did a six week sarms cycle) before starting up a prohormone cycle. Suppression may not be as bad from sarms as from aas, but that doesn't mean you should be reckless. I'd suggest a PCT of HcGenerate+Unleashed+Post Cycle+Forma. Maybe have Liquidex, Aroma, Nolva/Clomid around just in case. But a good natty test pct with some anti estrogens thrown in should get you back on track as long as you give yourself enough time to recover from the sarms. I know, doesn't sound fun; but better safe than....the alternative.

This was a good laugh. Thanks bud
I'm sorry, but my experience is that S4 is suppressive. It's more suppressive than Osta (GW isn't suppressive at all), especially at 70 mgs. Do your body a favor and do at least a mini pct with muscle research/nbtm/mrsupps products and then start the Hella. Being impotent is NOT a good feeling bro.
1st, SS and S1 are not going to supress someone more than the other. As long as ur not using unique ur fine.

Next s4 is suppressive but if ur taking hcgenerate, big dose of DAA, etc your going to still have decent natty T levels while on.

Last, spending 12wks on isn't hard to recover from and the gains will be way way better. Staying in for longer periods of time is going to allow for muscle maturity

I'm partial to S1 SARMs and hcgenerate, but you should be able to make good gains with other products/companies too.
1st, SS and S1 are not going to supress someone more than the other. As long as ur not using unique ur fine.

Next s4 is suppressive but if ur taking hcgenerate, big dose of DAA, etc your going to still have decent natty T levels while on.

Last, spending 12wks on isn't hard to recover from and the gains will be way way better. Staying in for longer periods of time is going to allow for muscle maturity

I'm partial to S1 SARMs and hcgenerate, but you should be able to make good gains with other products/companies too.

I'm a big fan of hcgenerate and DAA as well. Both very solid test boosters.
Well, I am sure I would be feeling as good as I am right now without the SARMs, seeing how I only eat 1800 cals.
That being said, they certainly haven't wowed me like halo did...
isnt forma ( formeron ) supressive too ?

no bro, not unless you run a bath of it and go for a swim, just follow the dosing protocol and its perfectly fine. Formestane in extremely high dosages its the tiniest bit suppressive. Forma-stanzol is imo an essential pct addition, it lowers SHBG massively which makes what little test you have far more useable and it also increases IGF1 levels quite substantially too both very useful traits for a pct. formstanzol is a awesome fat burner too on natty runs/standalone and no one needs a pct afterwards, or gets shutdown.