I definitely would not advise it. May I ask what sarms you used for your cutting cycle? Except for GW, all sarms products ARE suppressive. Particularly from sarms1.com. I've found that sarmssearch is much less problematic on those grounds, AND it's more effective. Based on what little you've mentioned about your protocol, I'd wait at least Time (e.g, six weeks if you did a six week sarms cycle) before starting up a prohormone cycle. Suppression may not be as bad from sarms as from aas, but that doesn't mean you should be reckless. I'd suggest a PCT of HcGenerate+Unleashed+Post Cycle+Forma. Maybe have Liquidex, Aroma, Nolva/Clomid around just in case. But a good natty test pct with some anti estrogens thrown in should get you back on track as long as you give yourself enough time to recover from the sarms. I know, doesn't sound fun; but better safe than....the alternative.