photos of the mods

abalnasr said:
will evary mod put a recent photo of him;)
we want to see the guys that give us advice
your moniter isnt big enough to hold a picture of my big ass :D
needsize is the pic at the top of the page posing next to the steroidology banner . stonecoldnto has posted several pics over the years . drveejay did have a pic as his avatar . a few others have posted pics before as well .
The guy on the front page who looks like he's taking a dump is Biggie, and the dude with the glasses is Tx.

And here's a picture of DADAWG:

I don't post pics for security reasons.... all the women would be stalking me... but I will say that if you saw me you would simply say "That dude is kinda thick" and you would be able to tell that I work out.... sorry ladies but I am taken.. :)
necro96080 said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh fuck, bukkake. There are only a few people that know what the fuck that word means. Awesome. BUKKAKE!!!!!

Nah, everyone on the internet knows about bukkake by now.