Pinned for the first time today and thinking about my workout plan


New member
I'm not really sure If I want to do another cycle or not I would like to make some gains and go natural after that. I was 215 and I've been going to the gym and i'm currently at 160, but I'm skinny fat and haven't really gotten to much stronger in the gym maybe lifting 35 percent heavier, when I was 20 I could almost lift double of everything I can now. I was working out 4-5 times a week and doing sprints twice a week. My plan is to work hard 5 days a week but not repeat any exercises more then once a week? Also should I keep doing sprints when I'm on test e? I saw some people who hit the gym twice a day when taking test is that wise? Is it smart to just do one cycle and try and get the most out of it you can and how would I do that I have a pretty good game plan so far. I have 66 pounds of chick in my fridge I feel like my diet is what I know how to manage the best. Also damn was it scary putting in the needle this morning I was thinking it would hurt but it didn't at all lol.
I would keep cardio around 3 times a week to keep appetite up while you try to gain that's what I do and I'm able to eat 1000+ carbs a day without getting fat but that's just my case
If your "skinny-fat" tjen your diet needs a lot of work. If you have 66lbs of chicken in the fridge not the freezer, it will go bad before you get to a fraction of it.

Mainly it doesn't seem like you got an idea on diet, training or gear. With that being said, you have no business starting a cycle. Work on diet and training. If your "skinny-fat" now, you'll most likely be after a cycle too unless you get your diet dialed in.

How old are you and what's your stats?
tbone is right OP: you should only be cycling when diet, sleep and training are dialed in...

From the sound of it, you know little if anything on either.

I'd put the needles away until you have addressed your current condition - and then and only then, reconsider jumping back on.

27, 5'7 160, yes I keep my chicken in my freezer. I've read about 50 articles on a bunch of forums about this but everyone is different I just can't imagine what works for one person will work for every last person. specially because everyone is taking different combos of different drugs. I want to get back to what I could lift when I was 20 which is about 35-50 percent more then I can now. I don't want to make a life choice to do this forever maybe at most 2 cycles of 12-13 weeks would like to do just 1 though. I'm not interested in looking like the hulk I just want to bulk up and lift heavier.
If your "skinny-fat" tjen your diet needs a lot of work. If you have 66lbs of chicken in the fridge not the freezer, it will go bad before you get to a fraction of it.

Mainly it doesn't seem like you got an idea on diet, training or gear. With that being said, you have no business starting a cycle. Work on diet and training. If your "skinny-fat" now, you'll most likely be after a cycle too unless you get your diet dialed in.

How old are you and what's your stats?


r u a sendentary type ? Gotta move bro....
I do set around alot If i'm not at the gym or working out, My cardio is good If I go for a jog or play tennis I normally have the most endurance of anyone there. i'm just a small fry I can see my muscles defined but not cus i'm big but because i'm small.
You are all over the place bro. You really need to take a step back and re evaluate everything. This is not the right time for juice.

You may not have felt any pain today... but wait for the PIP