I'm not really sure If I want to do another cycle or not I would like to make some gains and go natural after that. I was 215 and I've been going to the gym and i'm currently at 160, but I'm skinny fat and haven't really gotten to much stronger in the gym maybe lifting 35 percent heavier, when I was 20 I could almost lift double of everything I can now. I was working out 4-5 times a week and doing sprints twice a week. My plan is to work hard 5 days a week but not repeat any exercises more then once a week? Also should I keep doing sprints when I'm on test e? I saw some people who hit the gym twice a day when taking test is that wise? Is it smart to just do one cycle and try and get the most out of it you can and how would I do that I have a pretty good game plan so far. I have 66 pounds of chick in my fridge I feel like my diet is what I know how to manage the best. Also damn was it scary putting in the needle this morning I was thinking it would hurt but it didn't at all lol.