Planning first Test E 12 week cycle and PCT


New member
Im getting ready to run a 12 week test e cycle. This will be my first cycle.

Weeks 1-12....test enanthate...500mg/week....250mg mon/thurs
Weeks 1-17....Aromasin 12.5mg everyday

Hcg all the way through the cycle.
Weeks 1-12...start the hcg week 1 at 250iu mon and thurs
then starting the day after his last test injection.....inject 500iu of hcg everyday for 10 days...then 4 days after last hcg injection start the pct protocol

Weeks 14-17...clomid at 50mg per day
Weeks 14-15...nolvadex at 40mg per day
Weeks 16-17...nolva at 20mg per day

How does this look? anything that I am missing or should add?
Start hcg 2 weeks in cycle careful I would not run aromisan through cycle that's potent shit but everyone handles it diffrent I would only use it if sides come out and just run less harsh shit like adex
Alright, Ill keep the aromisan on hand in case i have sides.

And ill start the Hcg later in the cycle.
I also think the PCT is a bit overkill.

whats better 1) 50/50/50/50 clomid or
2) 40/40/20/20 nolva ??
Yea def. run both comid and nov. I always have never had a problem strongly agree with bigherm & blazer brotha. bigherm knows his shit.