Planning to do Test prop/Masteron prop cycle, but high prolactin levels


New member
Hi guys,

34yr old male here, trainig for 10yrs of which first 8 years naturally.

The goal is to cut and I was thinking of doing the following cycle (I've never tried masteron before):

Week 1-8: Test prop 100mg EOD
Week 1-8: Masteron prop 100mg EOD
Week 9: HCG 2000Iu 2x week / Clomid 100mg ED
Week 10: HCG 2000Iu 2x week / Clomid 50mg ED
Week 11&12: HCG 1000Iu 2x week / Clomid 50mg ED


Week 1-4: Test prop 100mg EOD
Week 1-4: Masteron prop 100mg EOD
Week 5-8: Test prop 100mg EOD
Week 5-8: Winstrol (Stanozolol depot) 50mg ED
Week 9: HCG 2000Iu 2x week / Clomid 100mg ED
Week 10: HCG 2000Iu 2x week / Clomid 50mg ED
Week 11&12: HCG 1000Iu 2x week / Clomid 50mg ED

Today I have got my blood work done and the results are in ref ranges except for prolactin.
Below are some results:

S-Prolaktin: 638,3 mIU/L (ref. 78-380)
S-Estradiol: 91,3 pmol/L (ref. 19,7-242)
S-Testosteron: 6,9 nmol/L (ref. 4,56-25,2)

I haven't been on cycle since mid october 2015, when I had my last 2 competitions and right after that cycle my
prolactin levels were 354,3 mIU/L.

The problem is that I don't know what raised my prolactin levels so much. Probably wouldn't be wise to jump on cycle until
I get the prolactin levels back in range?

Any advice and thoughts about the cycle and how to lower the prolactin levels really appreciated.

Best regards,
You don't want to run hcg during pct. It is suppressive. You don't want to do that while trying to recover. Hcg is recommended to use from beginning of cycle up to pct at 250 iu's twice per week. Add nolva with clomid for pct.

As far as masteron goes, 600mgs a week would be the minimum amount to use to get the most out of it. I'm not one of those more is better types, but some things need dosed at a certain level.

Caber or prami will lower prolactin levels. May I ask what your last cycle looked like?
Thanks for the welcome Milton.

I appreciate your feedback tbonexl.

For my 3rd and 4th shows I hired a coach, because I didn't know anything about AAS (now I know very little) and for PCT he always prescribed me Hcg and Clomid, but there's no problem for me to try different things.

So the cycle would look like this:

Week 1-4: Masteron prop 100mg Mon-saturday
Week 1-4: Test prop 100mg EOD
Week 5-8: Test prop 100mg EOD
Week 5-8: Winstrol (Stanozolol depot) 50mg ED
Week 9-12: Nolva 40/40/20/20
Week 9-12: Clomid 100/50 /50/50

All my cycles were very low dosed, the last one was

Week 1-4: Test Cyp 250mg
Week 1-4: Test prop 200mg
Week 5-8: Test prop 100mg EOD
Week 5-8: Oral winstrol 50mg Mon-sat (training days)
PCT with Hcg and clomid

I didn't take anything since mid october last year.

I have read on this forum about caber and prami, but the problem is that I don't know where to get them and I will not ask for the source here, because I know that I will not get it.
As far as the cycle, I will probably try with PSL products, but I have to lower the prolactin levels first. I will probably call my doc tomorrow.

you've been shutting yourself down and suppressing your hpta for not much gain by running very short and very low dosed cycles.

I'd recommend something more along these lines. Moderate dose, moderate length of time, and will yield results worth being shut down for, imo

weeks 1-5 - test prop - 100 mg eod
weeks 1-12 - test cyp - 500 mg a week
weeks 1-12 - masteron e - 600 mg a week

and of course an AI and HCG entire length of cycle ,, then a pct consisting of both climid and nolva (no hcg)
Thanks for the welcome Milton.

I appreciate your feedback tbonexl.

For my 3rd and 4th shows I hired a coach, because I didn't know anything about AAS (now I know very little) and for PCT he always prescribed me Hcg and Clomid, but there's no problem for me to try different things.

So the cycle would look like this:

Week 1-4: Masteron prop 100mg Mon-saturday
Week 1-4: Test prop 100mg EOD
Week 5-8: Test prop 100mg EOD
Week 5-8: Winstrol (Stanozolol depot) 50mg ED
Week 9-12: Nolva 40/40/20/20
Week 9-12: Clomid 100/50 /50/50

All my cycles were very low dosed, the last one was

Week 1-4: Test Cyp 250mg
Week 1-4: Test prop 200mg
Week 5-8: Test prop 100mg EOD
Week 5-8: Oral winstrol 50mg Mon-sat (training days)
PCT with Hcg and clomid

I didn't take anything since mid october last year.

I have read on this forum about caber and prami, but the problem is that I don't know where to get them and I will not ask for the source here, because I know that I will not get it.
As far as the cycle, I will probably try with PSL products, but I have to lower the prolactin levels first. I will probably call my doc tomorrow.


Your coach recommended this cycle to you? 4 weeks of test cyp at the beginning of cycle? Why???

I agree with roush. 4 weeks of mast isn't a very good run at all...
So the complete cycle with PCT would look like this:

weeks 1-5 - test prop - 100 mg eod
weeks 1-12 - test cyp - 500 mg a week
weeks 1-12 - masteron e - 600 mg a week
weeks 1-12 - aromasin 20mg EOD
weeks 1-12 - Hcg 2x250iu/week (for example monday and thursday)
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/50 /50/50

When should I start my PCT? About 10-14 days after my last test cyp or mast e shot?

No, that was what I did for my last cycle. I had a coach in 2014, a friend of mine recommended this to me, who also competes and has worked with several coaches in the past. This of course doesn't mean that he is doing things the best way. I guess that everyone do things slightly differently.

Btw I have an appointment with my doc next week, to see what we can do about the prolactin levels.

Thank you for the constructive replyes guys.
Aromasin should be taken daily. Start with 12.5mgs per day. You want to run your ai and hcg up to pct. Pct would probably be around 21 days after last pin. Look up pct calculator...
Is this pct calculator in excel file? I think I have found it once, but right now I am searching for it but can't find it.
As far ai and hcg I understood, thank's for all the help.