New member
27yo (28 in feb)
180lb Starting Weight
Never done a AAS cycle, only taken prohormones back in 2002 and 2005. Did one cycle of 1AD and a cycle of Pheraplex. Used otc post cycle therapy (pct) and probably fucked myself up. Develope very minor still existing gyno in left nip and very very slight gyno in right nip. Only small bumps that have a little pain when rubbed on or pressed. Going to run Letro with my fingers crossed with joint support supplements to try to rid this as soon as it comes in but otherwise ran nothing ever as my stats probably indicate lol. Hit a plateau once again and going to try some advice I got on here as far as upping nutritional intake overall and deloading volume with my training back to a 5x5 compound lift based routine.
Had been on a 4000cal/day 300g protien/day intake before semi clean. Lots of tilapia, shakes, whole grains, brown rice, veggies.
Prior routine was a 4 day split focusing on a coumpound lift to start he workout each day Squats on M, Military/Rows T, Bench W, Deads Fri, followed by quite a bit of isolations prob 8-10 more sets per muscle group (4-5 sets of two other exercises). For example on my Leg day I'd warm up, do 4 sets of squats with about 8-12 reps, then finish, do walking weighted lunges 4 sets, quad extensions 4 sets, and hamstring curls 4 sets.
Reorganized my routine as follows:
Back or Front squats - 5x5 starting light and building up to barely make my 5th rep.
Chest press (db or bb, switching angles) - 5x5 same way.
Pull downs 5x5 same way
Finish with a set to failure at half the weight i make it to on each exercise divided
Calves and abs (I have terrible calfs, obviously genetic for the most part if you could see my dad and grandfathers calfs) I've always worked the shit out of them with barely any growth so I'll just go heavy as hell and blast them tuesdays and do 2-3 ab circuits with 3 exercises and 15 reps per exercise.
Military Press DB or BB 5x5 and a final set at half the max weight to failure
Laterals 2x10
Bicepts - 2x10
Deads 5x5 with a final set of half the max weight to failure
SLDL 2x10
Chest press different angle than I hit mondays 5x5
Tricept extensions/skulls/close grip press 2x10
I'm starting my 4th week so my posts are going to be starting from 12/20 and going through present and then on.
I don't have any before pics but I'm pretty small and have small legs despite training them hard for years. Most of my weight is in my upper body, if I was proportionate on the bottom half I'd probably weight 10lbs more or so but oh well.
Here we go...
180lb Starting Weight
Never done a AAS cycle, only taken prohormones back in 2002 and 2005. Did one cycle of 1AD and a cycle of Pheraplex. Used otc post cycle therapy (pct) and probably fucked myself up. Develope very minor still existing gyno in left nip and very very slight gyno in right nip. Only small bumps that have a little pain when rubbed on or pressed. Going to run Letro with my fingers crossed with joint support supplements to try to rid this as soon as it comes in but otherwise ran nothing ever as my stats probably indicate lol. Hit a plateau once again and going to try some advice I got on here as far as upping nutritional intake overall and deloading volume with my training back to a 5x5 compound lift based routine.
Had been on a 4000cal/day 300g protien/day intake before semi clean. Lots of tilapia, shakes, whole grains, brown rice, veggies.
Prior routine was a 4 day split focusing on a coumpound lift to start he workout each day Squats on M, Military/Rows T, Bench W, Deads Fri, followed by quite a bit of isolations prob 8-10 more sets per muscle group (4-5 sets of two other exercises). For example on my Leg day I'd warm up, do 4 sets of squats with about 8-12 reps, then finish, do walking weighted lunges 4 sets, quad extensions 4 sets, and hamstring curls 4 sets.
Reorganized my routine as follows:
Back or Front squats - 5x5 starting light and building up to barely make my 5th rep.
Chest press (db or bb, switching angles) - 5x5 same way.
Pull downs 5x5 same way
Finish with a set to failure at half the weight i make it to on each exercise divided
Calves and abs (I have terrible calfs, obviously genetic for the most part if you could see my dad and grandfathers calfs) I've always worked the shit out of them with barely any growth so I'll just go heavy as hell and blast them tuesdays and do 2-3 ab circuits with 3 exercises and 15 reps per exercise.
Military Press DB or BB 5x5 and a final set at half the max weight to failure
Laterals 2x10
Bicepts - 2x10
Deads 5x5 with a final set of half the max weight to failure
SLDL 2x10
Chest press different angle than I hit mondays 5x5
Tricept extensions/skulls/close grip press 2x10
I'm starting my 4th week so my posts are going to be starting from 12/20 and going through present and then on.
I don't have any before pics but I'm pretty small and have small legs despite training them hard for years. Most of my weight is in my upper body, if I was proportionate on the bottom half I'd probably weight 10lbs more or so but oh well.
Here we go...