Please advise on my first cycle


New member

I got 16 1ml 250mg amps of test enanthate, and the guy also gave me 3 1ml amps of sustanon. Originally my plan was to do an 8 week cycle of test e, but now that I also have 3 amps of omnadren I figure I might as well incorporate this into my cycle as well because my cycle is not that long to begin with.

So my question is whether I should use the 3amps of omnadren at the beginning, the end, incorporate it into the middle of my cycle of test e, or maybe it doesnt matter? Any advice on that would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I have 60 20mg pills of Nolvadex, should I take any of it during m cycle as a preventative measure, not take it and just keep it on hand, or save it all for post cycle therapy (pct)? Thanks
Sir, you need to do some reading and researching on here. First off, how old are you? Height? Weight etc? You only need to run Test as your first cycle because you don't know how you will respond to it. Go to the Anabolic section and read all the stickies.

Thanks for your response Flex since i dont seem to be getting many haha.

I am 27 years old, 6'3" and 214 pounds....and I have been working out fairly consistently for a few years....

Like I said before, my plan was to only run test e, but since I also have the omnadren I figured why not incorporate into my cycle, and my understanding is that omnadren is a combination of test so I figured it really wouldn't be much different if i incorporated the three amps of omnadren into my cycle somehow....

Basically I figured, weeks 1-8 i might use test e 250mg twice a week, and then use the three amps i have of omnadren for weeks 9-9.5....but if you think its smarter to just use the test e then i might do that
Basically anyone else that replies to this is going to tell you to do Test only for your first cycle. Also, why would you add a chem to your cycle when you don't have a clear understanding of it?

Ps get some more test e. If you do 500/ew like most people do you only have enough for 8 weeks. That also is if you don't spill or break any. 8 weeks of test e isn't worth it.
Better get more test, test e doesnt kick in til week 3-4, so youll be cutting yourself short for a good cycle.
If i were you I would do a little more research about cycling. 8 really isn't that long for test. and just stick to one ester just to get an idea how you react to it. but most importantly make sure your diet is on and its something you are going to make a life style, I really hate it when i see people who go on a cycle 10 weeks get big don't do shit for 6 months go back on a cycle and repeat and repeat.. waist of your time, and your health. make this leap if you are 100 percent ready and committed, don't be a 10 week hero.