Please critique my diet


New member
Time Meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories

7:00 Snack
1 scoop (29g) Whey Isolate 26 0 0 105

7:01 30-60 mins low intensity cardio

8:30 Meal
1 cup egg whites 25 0 0 100
81g (1 cup) Oats 12 52 4 310
1 scoop (29g) Whey Isolate 26 0 0 105
2 Fish Oil capsules 0 0 2 20

11:00 Meal
2 scoop (60g) Whey Isolate 52 0 0 210
2 Phsylum Husk Caps 0 0 0 0

12:30 Workout

13:30 Post-workout Drink
2 scoops (60g) Whey Isolate 52 0 0 210
1.5 cups Cranberry Juice 0 50 0 195

14:30 Post-workout Meal
8 oz Chicken 50 0 7 265
8 oz Sweet Potato 0 50 0 100
2 Glucorell-R (r-ALA) caps 0 0 0 0

16:30 Meal
8 oz Lean Beef (93% lean) 50 0 12 300
3 Fish Oil caps 0 0 3 30

19:00 Meal
8 oz Chicken 50 0 7 265
1 cup Veggies 0 10 0 40
1 Tbsp Olive Oil 0 0 14 125

22:30 Meal
12 oz Fat Free Cottage Cheese 39 15 0 240
1 Tbsp UDO's Oil 0 0 14 125
2 Physlum Husk Caps 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 382 177 63 2745

I am trying to cut some bodyfat and lose as little muscle as possible (i'm natural, btw) before going on a bulking cycle. Right now my stats are 5'7" 192 @ 11%bf. Would like to be 7-8%.

My questions:

is it okay to have the whey before my cardio? or is that negatively impacting my cardio? again, i don't want to lose much muscle.

is the 11:00 meal ok? or should i sub with real food? there's not a lot of time b/w my 8:30 meal and 12:30 workout for two meals. should i move some carbs here?

is cottage cheese okay before bed? i've heard it is, but it does come with some carbs.

should i cut more carbs after a few weeks?

any other advice appreciated.
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it okay to have the whey before my cardio? or is that negatively impacting my cardio? again, i don't want to lose much muscle.

IDE say its fine since the idea is to run when you have no energy or carbs/fat in ya so it comes from fat stores. Protein isnt used for energy

is the 11:00 meal ok? or should i sub with real food? there's not a lot of time b/w my 8:30 meal and 12:30 workout for two meals. should i move some carbs here?

just put some fat in there

is cottage cheese okay before bed? i've heard it is, but it does come with some carbs.

try cutting it out later on for now it shouldnt be too bad.

should i cut more carbs after a few weeks?

see how you feel/look

Ide remove the cranberry juice pw and get some dextrose. fructose replenishes liver not mucles.

other then that it looks pretty good. Im 180 cutting also but im at 3000 cals maybe thats why im not losing too much :(