please dont unleash on me for this


New member
I am a 17 year old kid who is now in 2 weeks of his super dmz 2.0 cycle. I am taking 2 caps daily with ironmaglabs advanced cycle support and additional support supps like coq 10 so i can double my dose of support, if needed. I am currently up by 14 pounds idk whats water weight and whats muscle my body fat is 11% it was at 10% before. I have not yet foung a need for my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle YET. My pct will be clomid at 50/50/25/25 and ironmaglabs ultra male rx with of course cycle support and e control to prevent E2 rebound.

My question is to anyone who will answer me is, I am currently seeing no side effects but what are the ones that will occur with teenage use for example the media likes to link depression to steroids when in reality alot of things cause depression. Some bodybuilders told me gyno but, why can't I just use an AI? my diet is currently

Meal 1
10 mg of sd
1 pill cycle support 4 eggs, multi grain bagel, 1 serving of bran cereal, 8 oz milk, 1/4 cup of low fat cheese

meal 2
chicken breast
1 serving of protein powder
fourth a cup of low fat cheese
1 tablespoong of flaxseed oil

meal 3
1 can of tuna
1 cup of broccoli
1 multigrain bagel

meal 4
10 mg sd
1 pill cycle support
1 scoop of protein pwder
1 cup of slow cooked oats
2 servings of turkey chilli and the I workout this is my pre-workout meal

meal 5
1 scoop of protein powder
1 cup of slow cooked oats. This is my post workout meal

meal 6
1 cup of fat free cottage cheese
1/2 cup of lentils
1 scoop of casein protein powder

meal 7
1 serving of cod fish
1 cup of broccoli
1 table spoon of flaxseed oil then it bed and I sleep for seven hours

calories- 3,710
fat- 100g

so with this diet and my cycle what are the side effects potentially somebody even told me that one of the side effects could be Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), but isnt that possible for anyone who takes steroids? My growth plates fused premerturely anyway a while ago I have not gotten taller in four years and the doctor said I won't be getting any taller . So what are my side effects if I won't be getting any taller anyway since my growth plates fused, I have good support on cycle, I have a good PCT, I work out 5 days of the week (5 day split), I have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for gyno but am currently not seeing any gyno, So what are they? I am just wondering dont unleash
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Yes the sides they tell you are real. i have heard that Pro-hormones are much worse on HPTA than steroids. i'd tlak to someone with more expertise but i would try to get some nolva and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) also so that you dont mess up your HPTA. Even with those you still might mess it up. HPTA is what makes your body naturally produce test. Nolva AND OR an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) such as Arimidex can help stop Gyno. While a proper PCT can help stop your HPTA from messing up. I'd reccomend waiting 1 week after your last dose of DMZ and start your Post cycle. Clomid 50/50/50/50 and if you can Nolva 40/40/20/20
Chances are you don't have anything to worry about. You were a complete dumbass for doing this cycle, but you should be fine. 2 weeks of a prohormone won't do anything to permanently fuck up your body. Stop the DMZ now and do PCT, and don't pull shit like this again. Wait until you're older and have some experience behind you.
Yes the sides they tell you are real. i have heard that Pro-hormones are much worse on HPTA than steroids. i'd tlak to someone with more expertise but i would try to get some nolva and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) also so that you dont mess up your HPTA. Even with those you still might mess it up. HPTA is what makes your body naturally produce test. Nolva AND OR an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) such as Arimidex can help stop Gyno. While a proper PCT can help stop your HPTA from messing up. I'd reccomend waiting 1 week after your last dose of DMZ and start your Post cycle. Clomid 50/50/50/50 and if you can Nolva 40/40/20/20

What the hell are you telling this kid??? He's been on for 2 weeks, that's not enough time for your HTPA to shutdown. Look up the anabolic/androgenic profile for DMZ- it's 2 superdrol molecules bonded together. It doesn't aromatise so the water weight this kid got was from eating too much carbs & salt. And as for PCT, DMZ has a short half life, so start the day after you stop taking it.
DO NOT DO HCG. That will cause more problems. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) mimicks Leutenizing hormone and is not to be used during post cycle therapy (pct). Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is used during a cycle to prevent ball shrinkage and help recover faster. If your body thinks you have LH in your body, it won't produce it's own. Just stop DMZ now and start PCT.
what happens if I keep going? for the next two weeks then start pct with my pct and diet
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what happens if I keep going? for the next two weeks then start pct

Just don't do it. I won't tell you your hair'll fall out or that your penis'll fall off because it's just not true. However it'll make PCT much harder and based off of what you've posted above it doesn't sound like you've got your shit together. DMZ should not make you gain water weight, in fact it should act like a diuretic. DMZ doesn't aromatise to estrogen and it lowers your own test production- all around making your estrogen levels lower. The fact that you've gained that much weight in such a short time tells you're me that you're almost completely untrained or you're diet is off- too many calories/carbs/salt. This seems to be the case here. Just stop everything now and get your diet and training down. Come back in a few years, I'll help you out then.
I've been training since I was 14, and honestly the best gains I ever made were from 16-19 years old. Train natural while you can, because one day you'll miss it.
At least he's responsible enough to come to someone for help.

If he was smart he woulda done research first, but yes.

Dude, you're 17. You're still growing will be for a long time. Don't waste your $ on these bullshit ph's you just need to eat and train like a beast for the next 4-5 years. Reach your natural limitations, then if you want start looking into aas. Until then you can read and learn about all of it and you'll be that much more knowledgeable about it. Put in the time and effort, it'll be worth it later. Not worth fucking your hormones up for the rest of your life.
my stack looks like this

super dmz 2.0
advanced cycle support
and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if necassary

post cycle therapy (pct)
will be clomid at 100/75/75/50
ultra male rx
anabolic matrix rx
advanced cycle support
e control- to prevent E2 rebound
and additional supplements like niacin or more celery seed extract since ironmaglabs advanced cycle support already has good support supps in it

my diet is not in check because I was researching and read about the compounds in superdrol and realized i shouldn't be bloating but with my post cycle therapy (pct) what harm would be done if I keep going. I ramped up the dosage of clomid because I re-read some thing and if superdrol destroys my natural test then I will need A SERIOUS DOSE to bring them up I read about some body builders using this dosage while on super dmz 2.0 sowhat will happen if I keep going and go on this post cycle therapy (pct)
also a random question is a friend and I argued about is it benificial to stack clomind and nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct) (is it beneficial and extremely effective)
I told you exactly what to do. I am not going to give any advice to help you continue your cycle. You ignored the advice I already gave you, so I see no point in helping you further. Wait until you're older.
OP u are( or shall I say where) at the pinnacle of ur natty test levels in life. If u were going to compromise that at least u should've gone on AAS instead of OTC. My advice to u now is focus on eating and training right and build a foundation for a cycle when ur over 25.
These guys are all correct. At this point, you're shutting yourself down with a PH when you would probably make better gains JUST BY DOING WHAT YOU WERE DOING. At best, you'll lose all your gains during your PCT.

Fuck, when I was 17 I went from 135 to 165 in 6 months, eating like shit. I'm 24 now and I just went from 170 to 186 in 4 months. Just get your diet in check, and train like a normal 17 year old.
Listen to all the wise advice, man. Get off it and be natural for the next seven years at least. Most people are too immature psychologically to handle this kind of stuff. AAS is expensive and addicting. You need some adult maturity to temper its use. Eat big, train big. Enjoy your natural levels while you can. There's plenty of time in later life to dabble in this stuff.
I am a 17 year old kid

I could tell you were a stupid kid who jumped into something before doing the necessary research as soon as I read you referring to yourself as just that -- a kid. By the way, skyrocketing your Chlomid isn't going to solve your problems. 50/50/25/25 is fine. Throw in 20/20/10/10 Tamox while you're at it.
When i was 17 i did a cycle of test e 250 500mg a week for 12 weeks and i was just fine i did ALOT of research before i did it though. I had a proper post cycle therapy (pct) and i was just fine
Chances are you don't have anything to worry about. You were a complete dumbass for doing this cycle, but you should be fine. 2 weeks of a prohormone won't do anything to permanently fuck up your body. Stop the DMZ now and do post cycle therapy (pct), and don't pull shit like this again. Wait until you're older and have some experience behind you.

Nailed it.