HCG & AI Dosages for 350mg Test Cyp


New member
Hey guys, I'm back on a minimal cycle (350mg test cyp per week) after a 2 1/2 year break. I wanted to get your input on how much HCG and AI I should incorporate into my cycle. Trying to keep things pretty mellow, I'm not interested in going much higher on the test or stacking it with more anabolics. I'm only 3 weeks in and I've been doing the following protocol:

1. 175mg Test Cyp 2x per week (E3D, Saturday & Tuesday)
2. 250u HCG EOD

I'm a 5'7 155lbs 38 year old with 11.8% body fat. For only being 3 weeks in, my results have been outstanding. I'm up 4lb and my body fat is down .3%. My energy and libido have seen a huge improvement already and I'm starting to see very positive strength gains for being so early in the cycle. I'm a person who needs to workout in order to keep weight on, otherwise I hover around 145-150lbs. I have good muscle memory and tend to get back in shape pretty quickly.

I traditionally respond very well to testosterone with very minimal side effects. I've done long term cycles of much higher test dosages (600-900mg) stacked with NPP & Masteron with only real significant side effects being back acne and some night sweats. Never had any gyno symptoms at any dosage. I did have some mild ED at my highest dosages.

For the HCG (which I'm doing strictly for testicular preservation), should I remain at 250u EOD or should I go higher?

As for an AI, what are your your thoughts on type and dosage? During past cycles, I used aromasin, but always had uneven results. It seemed even the mildest dosages would end up crashing my estrogen.

Appreciate the input!

*I should mention that I've previously been on a high dose HCG protocol (500u EOD) for fertility purposes for over almost year. It definitely helped get my sperm levels/motility get back in order, but my test levels never rose above ~250-275 so I never felt the greatest physically.
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your current and previous hCG doses are very very low. sub-standard actually. you should increase the dose to 250iu 2x a week or maybe 125iu EOD, whatever you prefer.

i've never had much luck with aromasin either as it was way too aggressive for me. i find arimidex to be much easier for me due to its longer active life. i stay on 250mg test so i dose .25mg arimidex 2x a week. now that i'm starting HCG at 250iu 2x a week i'm probably going to need more.

maybe you're just one of those guys who is fine with no AI? do you have symptoms of high estrogen? from the info you've given us it sounds like you have experience ..
My bad, completely messed up my HCG dosages in my post. My current HCG dose is actually 250u EOD and my previous dose was 500 EOD.

Is 250u of HCG EOD enough for 350mg of test? Just want to make sure.

No distinct symptoms of high estrogen. In fact, the only real negative side effect of anabolics I get is back acne. At my highest dosage, it became cystic acne. I've never ran this mild of a cycle before, so perhaps it will either be nonexistent or very mild.

I do think I am probably fine with no AI, but I just didn't want to assume. I'm naturally very low body fat, so that probably a big factor. I think I'll ride this cycle out for 6-8 weeks then get my levels tested to see where I'm at.
My bad, completely messed up my HCG dosages in my post. My current HCG dose is actually 250u EOD and my previous dose was 500 EOD.

Is 250u of HCG EOD enough for 350mg of test? Just want to make sure.

No distinct symptoms of high estrogen. In fact, the only real negative side effect of anabolics I get is back acne. At my highest dosage, it became cystic acne. I've never ran this mild of a cycle before, so perhaps it will either be nonexistent or very mild.

I do think I am probably fine with no AI, but I just didn't want to assume. I'm naturally very low body fat, so that probably a big factor. I think I'll ride this cycle out for 6-8 weeks then get my levels tested to see where I'm at.

have you read the packaging? it says there that you can pin 5000ml of hcg per week and be just fine.
read the HCG profile bro.
My bad, completely messed up my HCG dosages in my post. My current HCG dose is actually 250u EOD and my previous dose was 500 EOD.

Is 250u of HCG EOD enough for 350mg of test? Just want to make sure.

No distinct symptoms of high estrogen. In fact, the only real negative side effect of anabolics I get is back acne. At my highest dosage, it became cystic acne. I've never ran this mild of a cycle before, so perhaps it will either be nonexistent or very mild.

I do think I am probably fine with no AI, but I just didn't want to assume. I'm naturally very low body fat, so that probably a big factor. I think I'll ride this cycle out for 6-8 weeks then get my levels tested to see where I'm at.

should be higher.
5000ml is a lot to pin bro :P
Even 5000 iu hcg per week is a lot and will spike your estrogen.

my bad chief, i meant to write 5000iu. but you can pin all the hcg that you can has been my experience and never had high E2 levels. but then again thats just me.
my stats 6 2' 250lbs 15 %bf. and Im African American to boot.
my bad chief, i meant to write 5000iu. but you can pin all the hcg that you can has been my experience and never had high E2 levels. but then again thats just me.
my stats 6 2' 250lbs 15 %bf. and Im African American to boot.

Don't have bloodwork to back this up...but...
I ran 500iu everyday for about 20 days, spiked my estrogen so much that the lump in my chest started growing again.
And this was just 2ish weeks ago I ended that :P

Been eating aromasin AND adex at quite high doses for the past week and i should get blood work writing this... But i will also jump on proviron soon to prep for cycle.
Don't have bloodwork to back this up...but...
I ran 500iu everyday for about 20 days, spiked my estrogen so much that the lump in my chest started growing again.
And this was just 2ish weeks ago I ended that :P

Been eating aromasin AND adex at quite high doses for the past week and i should get blood work writing this... But i will also jump on proviron soon to prep for cycle.

You where on TRT right? what else where you dosing and pinning bro? just woke up here so my heads still foggy. rough night last night.
You where on TRT right? what else where you dosing and pinning bro? just woke up here so my heads still foggy. rough night last night.

No TRT at least yet, exploring my options as of right now with a second PCT.
I did HCG+PCT again cuz after 4 months from last PCT ended, i still didn't feel fine in a lot of senses, even if bloodwork showed I recovered 100% back, I know something is off inside of me.
And then the gyno lump and just a lot of things lead me to where I am at currently. No mans land :p
No TRT at least yet, exploring my options as of right now with a second PCT.
I did HCG+PCT again cuz after 4 months from last PCT ended, i still didn't feel fine in a lot of senses, even if bloodwork showed I recovered 100% back, I know something is off inside of me.
And then the gyno lump and just a lot of things lead me to where I am at currently. No mans land :p

so whats your next course of action bro?
so whats your next course of action bro?

I have 2 doctors appointment, one is like a breast cancer center thingy (no idea of the direct translation) and another one is with an endo.
I'm just gonna come clean and tell em something along the lines of... "I ran a cycle 10 years ago, so I've known this could have happened, i've been running nolvadex for 4 weeks and the lump has been shrinking but its not going away. Please help."

What happens from there? I'm not sure bro, im guessing they'll do lots of blood work and put me on more nolvadex, maybe ralox, i'll probably get some pharma adex script too.

But seeing as I want to run more cycles, i'll probably end up on TRT sooner or later.
Its weird, I bloodwork shows a perfect, really perfect recovery 110%....but I haven't felt the same inside and I know my body.
Mostly sexdrive thats been very low, no trouble performing at all but I rarely masturbate anymore...
aside from the lump, how are you feeling? watching Oprah late nights?

Since I started proviron 2-3 weeks back (75mg split 3 times per day) i've been feeling good as ever, really unspeakable improvements over how I felt when I started the second PCT.
Which didn't really do much except remove the gyno lump (nolva did that, I was running only nolva at that time.)
But proviron and getting higher testosterone has definitely been noticeable, sex drive is back, random boners, everything working like it should. Mind is clearer, i'm less stressed and overall just feel better in almost every aspect.
My insomnia has gotten bit worse and i've wondered if my hair is thinning but i don't really care, this year is the year of getting old for real... Everything was falling apart start of it lol...fractures, broken ribs, tinnitus etc.
I'm also back in the gym and executing a pretty flawless low carb diet(for me, i'm usually minimum double those amount of carbs), haven't really bothered to check exactly cuz sometimes i'm up late and I eat 1-2 more meals but i'd say average macros is prob around 200-250 protein, 150-200 carbs, no idea on fat really, dont really eat much, maybe 50-100g seems reasonable with the MCT oil and peanut butter?

I'm losing steady 0.5-1kg fat per week last 2 weeks which im pretty happy over. Doing a real good recomp actually on the proviron alone.
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