Please help me for the PCT after cycle


New member
I am looking for a post cycle therapy (pct) for clen/T3/winstrol cycle ?
I'm running on 30mcg Winstrol ED for 4 week.
80mcg Clen for 4 weeks ( 2 weeks on , 2 weeks off).
50mcg T3 Cytomel for 4 weeks.

Thanks everyone!
If you are of male gender, you shouldn't be running oral only cycles. Reason being is they shut down your natural test production. All aas shut down your natural test production. You need test to function as a male. For this reason, test is the base for all cycles. Essentially, you are chemically castrating yourself. May possibly grow boobs as well.

My advice would be to read the ology faq's thread. It covers everything you need to know and the reason for what your doing is no good. It will cover pct too.

I could just tell you but you wouldn't learn anything. You obviously need to read up on things. Best of luck-
If you are of male gender, you shouldn't be running oral only cycles. Reason being is they shut down your natural test production. All aas shut down your natural test production. You need test to function as a male. For this reason, test is the base for all cycles. Essentially, you are chemically castrating yourself. May possibly grow boobs as well.

My advice would be to read the ology faq's thread. It covers everything you need to know and the reason for what your doing is no good. It will cover pct too.

I could just tell you but you wouldn't learn anything. You obviously need to read up on things. Best of luck-

I'm a male, this is my first cycle. So I don't have experience about PCT after cycle. I want to know how to use PCT. Could you help m***7865;?. Thank you so much