Please Help Me!!!


"Who is your Daddy and what does he do?"
Hello everyone... I need your help.

I'm just really starting to get back into lifting again, and i'm looking to bulk right now (yet still keep a semi low bodyfat, i.e. nice abs, or nice enough abs). My workout is up in the Training section if you need to look at it to get a better idea of what i should do.
I'm just really bad when it comes to nutrition, and i've been learning as much as i possibly can from this site.... I was wondering if anyone had any recomendations of what I should take in the way of supplements, and when i should take them in a day.

What i'm looking to do is gain about 10-20 pounds (i was hoping by christmas but i'm currently working 3 jobs, soon to be back down to 2 part time jobs), so i know that has become unrealistic, so basically just over the next couple of months i'd like to go from 193 pounds to 210 or so.

Can anyone give me some advice on how i can do this?

Thank you.
ideally to follow a CLEAN bulk.. meaning good nutricious foods, which imo are best to consume when bulking vs junk.. the body needs nutrients to grow.. and junk is defintly lacking in them.

some basics... you must be eating every 2.5-3 longer. aim for 1.5g protein/lb of bodyweight. this is a must.
protein sources:
boneless skineless chicken breasts /turkey
lean beef
all fish (including all fatty fish as well)
cottage cheese
skim milk
whey protein
egg whites/ yolks(in moderation)

as for carbs..people respond different to various amounts. if your a hard gainer you will need more. sources:
old fashioned oatmeal
sweet potatoes /yams
starachy veggies..peas, corn, etc
fiberous veggies as well... dark green sources
brown rice
beans/legumes moderation
cream of wheat
....if you eat any whole wheat processed products..such as bread and pasta.. make sure its in moderation and not the staple of your carb sources.

FATS!! now these must be included!! no diet is complete without them!
flaxseed oil
olive oil
natural peanut butter
fatty fish/ fishoil caps

You should also be aiming for at least a gallon of water a day. more is better!
Post workout(IMMEDIATLY following) your weight training get in a shake consisting of dextrose, whey protein and creatine. adding ALA(alpha lipoic acid) to this will optimize the transportation of nutrients to the muscle tissues.
An hour following your post workout shake get in a whole food meal consisiting of complex carbs and lean protein. NO fats.. as they will slow the rate of absorption.. and you need to feed those muscles to grow!
prior to bed get in a slower digesting protein.. cottage cheese is a great choice, as well as an EFA source.. such as flax oil or natural peanut butter.

those are the basics.. eat big, train hard and get optimal rest! good luck!
wow, a lot more then i was expecting in one answer haha,, thanks Jenn, but just a question,,, if i was planning on getting supplemtents, what ones do you think i should get to use for the post workout shakes? (where do i get dextrose at? and the ALA stuff as well... it's all new to me..??
you know where Popeyes is on Robie St??? they sell big bags of dextrose their cheap cheap! Thats where I have been getting mine. You can buy your ALA there as well.. or Superstore also carries it for a good price now.

oh.. and your welcome :)
atherjen said:
you know where Popeyes is on Robie St??? they sell big bags of dextrose their cheap cheap! Thats where I have been getting mine. You can buy your ALA there as well.. or Superstore also carries it for a good price now.

oh.. and your welcome :)

Yeah i've heard of it but never gone there yet,,,, is it pretty close to quinpool???

and i'll have to check it out,,, and thanks again jen :69:
oops,, i mean :D hahaha, nah i'll seriously check it out, thanks again for the info jen.