Please help with TRT sex drive question


New member
51 y/o with hypogonadism on 60mg/ml IM test. every 10 days...labs show upper middle test. levels...been on TRT for 4 years..okay here sex for 5 years...masturbate 1-2/week. Will be having sex in a week. If I inject a whole 200mg/ml bottle now and maybe again the day before; is it likely that my sex drive will increase?
I would not recommend injecting 2grams of testosterone just to increase sex drive. How are your LH levels? How is your estrogen reading? Is it just sex drive or any other sexual symptoms such as impotence?

Dr B
That would likely spike your estrogen levels and you would not be able to have sex (impotence) regardless of how high you libido is.

I would suggest getting on a better TRT protocol.
I think, he means a 200mg bottle, not a 2000mg one. ;) That is a good idea and if you need to push it more, use 100mg propionate 2 days before. This will give you a push, but also without you should good working again with your 200mg what you are injected now.
Use an AI (Aromasin is good to handle) to prevent too high E2, if you sensible on much T and producing much of them. This is on me also a libido killer.
Generally 100-200mg per week should vive you a good sexdrive back. :)
why did you get on trt to begin with? its better to do it by the book and get blood works done and share them here so we can take a look at them.
Yes share your LH level but from my experience before I got on board with my doc in my signature
I had a rediculous primary doctor that would give me doses 100 mg every 12 days of course my libido was spiked but less wood like effect,
I suggest get on board with my doc if you don't have your LH level panels my provider will draw proper blood and consult with you to get you on point like he did with me..