please recommend routine while on hgh

mad mikey

New member
i was considering taking hgh and read all the stuff on evening shots and morning shots etc and taking 2 iu each day or taking 4 iu every 2nd or 3rd day.

i was thinking of taking 3-4 iu maybe on mon, wed and fri..

my question is if i train only 3 or 4 days a week and take 3-4 iu on those days (2 morning and 2iu afternoon) what would be the best routine to train..

should i do heavy chest and shoulders monday ... back and bi's wed and legs fri.

or does the hgh repair so quick that i could do super heavy very low rep ie 3 sets of 3 on chest back and legs each monday wed and fri. i remember doing some athletic training when i was younger and they spoke of doing 2 reps of each body part every 2nd day to grow best.

i cant afford to take hgh every day and i read that the balco athletes took 5 iu 3 days a week opposed to 2 iu every day..

any advice would be great..
ive been on hgh 4 a long time and it works best in the long run , i think if you say that you can't afford it but only 4 a short time it works something but you wont get results as you whant it. in other words maybe you should try other testastorone .. as far as how you want 2 do the routin shoting blank darts i guess inject it everyday and work out hard and waist your money. you should try testastorone suspention its painful but it works fast and its alot cheaper. sorry guy don't mean to be on your case but hgh is the king of it all and it only works in the long run and very costy...
gday mate

thanks for your advice.. in australia we pay a fair bit more for the hgh so i was was budgeting on a 6 month cycle with test prop.

my doc said take it 1 or 2 ml a day but he is not a gym guy and his advice was for general health.
i can afford to take 15 iu a week and i train 3 or 4 times a week.

im 96 kg . 6ft . and not sure of body fat but i have a fair bit of blubber around the waist mainly.

is it best to do 3 iu (1.5iu morning and 1.5 iu post workout) a day 5days a week ---
or take 5 iu ( 2 morning and 3 post work out) on the days i train eg mon wed fri..
i know its expensive but im prepared to do it for 6 months..

cheers . any advice appreciated
If you can take 15iu a week. Take 4 EOD or 2 ED. As for what to do in the gym. Lift the sam way if you where not on. Hard and Heavy...

HGH is best taken with steroids.

Dont forget sleep and food!!