Plz help, advice needed on tren cycle!


New member
Hello guys I am new to this forum and don't know much about roids. I gathered some information and ran a cycle. I did a test e cycle for 12 weeks at 500mg/week. I got average results from the cycle. Now I am looking forward to do a tren cycle. I want to gain lean muscle without adding any fat. I want to shed some body fat and add more muscle.

Current Stats :
Age - 21
Weight - 175 lbs
Height - 5.11
Body fat - 13-14%
Training experience - 3 years
Diet - I am vegetarian so can't get more than 130 grams of protien a day

The cycle will be as follows :

Testosterone Prop*50mg eod week 1-10

Tren Ace*75mg eod week 1-10 (dosage can be raised up to 100mg eod if the body allows without adverse side effects)

HCG*250iu twice a week week 1-10

PCT –*Post cycle therapy starting one week after my final injection

You dont know much about roids, and ran a cycle before age 21 and now you want to run a tren cycle. and your a vegetarian.
Only carnivores can run Tren !

* unless your a cow being prepped for slaughter . And if you were a meat eater you'd already be getting tren from the red meat in your diet ;)
I am going to agree with the more experienced guys above as under the age of 24-25 gear is really not worth it.

However I would like to mention that this myth of "You need 1 gram per pound" is bullshit. That in and of itself shows you are not mature enough to be using gear mate. Focus on your career, building relationships, learning to delay gratification, and make yourself a better person in other ways (Most chicks don't give a flying fuck about muscle if they are themselves intelligent). Just some thoughts.