Post AM Cardio meal Suggestions


New member
What is a good post am cardio meal. Protien shake with a white bagel? Or a whole food breakfast if the former do u skip ur carbs (if ur cutting) since u had the bagel.
If your doing empty stomach cardio then I would do whole foods with a good complex carb/protein split post cardio.

This is exactly what ive been doing for the last year and seen really nice results.
After my morning cardio, I eat oats and a protein shake, it might depend on how intense your cardio is with depleting glucose levels etc, mines just a gradual incline walk so am not getting into a state where ya need high gi foods! I've seen great results with incline walking with the diet afterwards. Gud luck

Hope this kinda helps
I do cardio on a empty stomach then eat egg whites and 1 cup of oatmeal. This has really helped me cut!