Post cycle therapy (pct) Advice While Traveling


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PCT Advice While Traveling

Hey All, I'm finishing up a 4 week cycle of MSTEN followed by a 6 week cycle of DMZ. I purchased clomid for PCT and was planning on doing 140mg the first day followed by 105/70/70/35/35/35. The problem is that the same week I finish up with my DMZ cycle I will be traveling on business and out of town for 2 days....immediately followed by another 3 day trip. I definitely do not want to bring the clomid with me. My questions is would I be OK to take 140mg of Clomid the day I travel followed by 2 days without? Then when I arrive back in my hometown would I be OK to take another 140mg followed by 3 days without? I know that clomiphene citrate has a relatively long half life, but would not taking Clomid those days away from home be detrimental? Or would you recommend possibly taking an OTC Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in conjunction with the clomid since it is rather easy to travel with, plus would prevent any estrogen rebound? Any advice would be appreciated!