Post cycle therapy (pct) for Ostarine?

PCT for Ostarine?

So I am on ostarine at 30Mg ED about 25 days into a 40 cycle. My testes are softer and very sensitive and my erections are not what they should be. I've never done AAS but these sides make me think I need some post cycle therapy (pct).

what should I use for PCT? I cannot use anything banned by the WADA or NCAA. I have been thinking post cycle support from Aromatase inhibitor (AI) sports or triazole would be good along with some fenugreek, trib, and DAA.

any help is really appreciated guys.
.. wow if that's your body's reaction to Osta.. stay away from anything else or you'll be a girl by the end of the first week.

With Osta and that level you should need nothing for PCT, I don't think anyone's even considered a PCT with Osta at 30mg ED. I'd stop now and get some blood work done to see just what's going on in the body.
I know, this is unexpected and i'm a little concerned my osta may have other androgens in it. Got it from uniqem...

What kind of blood test would be wanted? I have no pre cycle to compare to so what would I be looking for?
i doubt it hommie.... that would be bad for business and they'd be giving away androgens.

I think you needed to do more research before starting. Osta has the potentitial to shut u down. maybe you should have done 2 weeks on and 2 off or 15MG's. i cant look it up now but the list of banned substances World anti doping is extensive. try natural test booster HCGenerate or bridge. ZMA at night with Tribulus... i wouldnt panic it will get back to normal soon
That's a question best answered by the more experienced guys here. But I know from my own Osta exp, that it's so mild your not even sure your taking it.
Osta does have the ability to effect you, although I'd hardly call it a 'shut down'.. but not at 30mg/ed, maybe at 100mg/ED and not this soon.

i doubt it hommie.... that would be bad for business and they'd be giving away androgens.

I think you needed to do more research before starting. Osta has the potentitial to shut u down. maybe you should have done 2 weeks on and 2 off or 15MG's. i cant look it up now but the list of banned substances World anti doping is extensive. try natural test booster HCGenerate or bridge. ZMA at night with Tribulus... i wouldnt panic it will get back to normal soon
i doubt it hommie.... that would be bad for business and they'd be giving away androgens.

I think you needed to do more research before starting. Osta has the potentitial to shut u down. maybe you should have done 2 weeks on and 2 off or 15MG's. i cant look it up now but the list of banned substances World anti doping is extensive. try natural test booster HCGenerate or bridge. ZMA at night with Tribulus... i wouldnt panic it will get back to normal soon

don't get what you're trying to say here...

this scenario has been a fear for many from the beginning that people were selling androgens labeled as ostarine because many places sell lower what many people claim raws cost. you're essentially swapping an expensive raw that shows possible efficacy for building muscle for a cheap raw that definitely builds muscle. its a scenario that would be tempting for many grey market companies.

its always possible - people swap tbol for Anavar (var) all the time in UGLs because raws are cheaper and its hard to hold grey/black market companies accountable.

IM NOT TRYING TO BASH UNIQUE - i think they're a good company and they do customers right. I'm just saying that this isn't the first time something like this has been a concern.

OP - if you're really concerned then run a pct, simple as that. some people have been shut down by SARMs, some people don't feel anything. if you're worried then do something about it.
Im just coming to the end of my osta cycle from Uniqe. No sides,or signs of shutdown whatsoever. Its actually really hard to come off, because Im still feeling good, and seeing results
So I am on ostarine at 30Mg ED about 25 days into a 40 cycle. My testes are softer and very sensitive and my erections are not what they should be. I've never done AAS but these sides make me think I need some post cycle therapy (pct).

what should I use for PCT? I cannot use anything banned by the WADA or NCAA. I have been thinking post cycle support from Aromatase inhibitor (AI) sports or triazole would be good along with some fenugreek, trib, and DAA.

any help is really appreciated guys.

this is why you always ask questions and research before you do anything...

anything over 25 mg on osta is not recommended at all... SARMS are different than aas and ph's... when you exceed the "sweet spot" for dosing, good things do not occur... anytime you run it for over 6 weeks, a 3 week mini pct is necessary because it has the potential to cause suppression... i just ran it for 12 weeks and although you may not seem to be supressed you may have some... the recovery time is much quicker and you can jump back into it after the mini is ran... you should not exceed 25 mg a day however...

for a mini, i use unleashed, forged pct and bridge... you can also just use the unleashed/post cycle combo that is sold together as well...

one of the things i highly recommend when running sarms is to run hcgenerate and daa alongside of them... this really prevents the problems from occurring that you are having...

i have seen a few reports of gyno incidents, not many, but a few... its good to have forma stanzol on hand for this as well... run the mini pct and get some forma and you will be fine quickly...