Post cycle therapy (pct) Help


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PCT Help

Looking to run this set up for post cycle therapy (pct) post m-drol cycle and wanted some honest opinions to make sure I do it right. I have been browsing through many forums and articles trying to get as much info as possible before I start my cycle to make sure I finish it properly and safely.

I have Liquid Tamox 50mL 20mg/m (Nolva) & Formadrol Extremes (Anti -Xenoestrogen).

For post cycle therapy (pct) does is it ok to take these together and is it necessary to space them out? From what I have read just take the Tamox dose at the same time every day.
Formadrol, direction say take 2-4 daily for 4-8 weeks. What is best if already taking the Tamox? I've have had someone say take the Formadrol 1 week after starting post cycle therapy (pct) while already taking the Tamox at the start of post cycle therapy (pct) (20/20/10/10).

Also during and post cycle I will be taking Liv.52 and Milk Thistle. Is it recommended to take Cycle Assist as well during this time? Cycle Assist contains a few more things than just Milk Thistle by itself.

Any help is much appreciated in advance, thanks
Looking to run this set up for post cycle therapy (pct) post m-drol cycle and wanted some honest opinions to make sure I do it right. I have been browsing through many forums and articles trying to get as much info as possible before I start my cycle to make sure I finish it properly and safely.

I have Liquid Tamox 50mL 20mg/m (Nolva) & Formadrol Extremes (Anti -Xenoestrogen).

For post cycle therapy (pct) does is it ok to take these together and is it necessary to space them out? From what I have read just take the Tamox dose at the same time every day.
Formadrol, direction say take 2-4 daily for 4-8 weeks. What is best if already taking the Tamox? I've have had someone say take the Formadrol 1 week after starting post cycle therapy (pct) while already taking the Tamox at the start of post cycle therapy (pct) (20/20/10/10).

Also during and post cycle I will be taking Liv.52 and Milk Thistle. Is it recommended to take Cycle Assist as well during this time? Cycle Assist contains a few more things than just Milk Thistle by itself.

Any help is much appreciated in advance, thanks

the novla should be fine to take for your post cycle therapy (pct).you should take the cycle assist during your cycle and post cycle therapy (pct).

what does your cycle consist of and what are your stats like age,lifting experience,ph/ds knowledge?
the novla should be fine to take for your should take the cycle assist during your cycle and pct.

what does your cycle consist of and what are your stats like age,lifting experience,ph/ds knowledge?

Thanks for the reply.

Im 36, 5’8 – 180lbs, been working out off and on for about 15 years and am in good shape now.

Looking to do m-drol 10/20/20/20. I have done gear in the past (which was based on a friend’s recommendation for set up) but want try this approach.

As for ph/ds Im pretty much a newbie.. Just hoping to do this and be healthy and smart about it. Most of trouble I am having after reading articles and forum post over the past few months is that each story is just one persons opinion which may not always be right in some cases.

Thanks again
Thanks for the reply.

Im 36, 5’8 – 180lbs, been working out off and on for about 15 years and am in good shape now.

Looking to do m-drol 10/20/20/20. I have done gear in the past (which was based on a friend’s recommendation for set up) but want try this approach.

As for ph/ds Im pretty much a newbie.. Just hoping to do this and be healthy and smart about it. Most of trouble I am having after reading articles and forum post over the past few months is that each story is just one persons opinion which may not always be right in some cases.

Thanks again

that's the best way to do it research and then ask questions then research some more ;) you might also want to look into running some dermacrine as a base while on cycle.

keep me updated on your cycle