Post cycle therapy (pct) & motivation


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PCT & motivation

Just wondering if anyone else has this issue- just about finished with my first week of post cycle therapy (pct) and I have no motivation or drive to go work out. I'm not depressed or anything, just lack of drive. Before post cycle therapy (pct) I couldn't wait to get to the gym, now it's like "oh well". Taking this week off to recover a little anyway, then back to it, but was just wondering if this is the same for anyone else?
post cycle therapy (pct) is where you seperate the Men from the Boys so to speak. post cycle therapy (pct) has always taken its toll on me as far as depression more than motivation. You have to stick it out for a couple months and try to maintain as much of your gains as possible.
I'll let others speak to this, but I'm not sure if the first week or so of post cycle therapy (pct) is the best time to take a week off. If nothing else, keep the protein intake high. You are trying to hold on to as much muscle as possible right now.

Did you use a long ester testosterone and start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after your last injection? Did you by chance use hCG? What are you using for post cycle therapy (pct)? Clomid or Nolva and how much?
the cycle was tren, eq, and test en.
pct is nolva & clomid, curently at 75mg & 100mg respectively, and yes used hcg throughout cycle, started post cycle therapy (pct) 2 wks after last inj.
Also used clen and t3 (100ius) for about 3 1/2 wks....think it may be rebound from the t3 and not so much the post cycle therapy (pct) now that I think of it...or both!
bro my first 2 weeks after post cycle therapy (pct) was so bad too. i didn't want to go to the gym at alllllll but I ended up going anyway and did some half assed workouts ...but they seemed to help some. Just eat eat eat. My last cycle was a cutter but I really feel that when I eat a lot during the day I get extra energy and thus extra motivation to lift. if you go into the gym lethargic and without any food in your system you will definitely have no motivation.
Taking a bit of time off is never bad, just don't let it extend too long. Diet is key though and don't get into bad habits while your body and mind are out of the gym. I have no doubt that you will begin to feel "small" and start going crazy. The motivation returns. Trust me.
I like to start taking creatine as part of my pct. Helps me with strength and keep some of the water so I still feel big.

And remember, its not the motivation that will get you into the gym pc, its the dedication. You go to the gym because that's what big boys do. Think of how hard you worked to make your gains, now you have to work just as hard to keep them.
i allways get depressed after a cycle and cry like bitch on my post cycle therapy (pct) bloody clomid....

But after my last cycle
i been taking cell tech creatine i swear this is the best non steroidial shit i have ever taken it has really helped me i feel like shit but i still go gym and do what has to be done.

im goin through so much shit right now dick is fucked aint recovered yet ....i feel depressed....i cant fuck my girl....all i got now in this world is ma dumb bells....cant wait to get my normal test back please god help me and yes i believe i praying. yea thats my 2 pents
soonbebig said:
i been taking cell tech creatine i swear this is the best non steroidial shit i have ever taken it has really helped me i feel like shit but i still go gym and do what has to be done.

I use it too. I tried creatine once before and it upset my stomack so I never used it again. But then I started with the cell tech post cycle and it works great. I am one week into post cycle therapy (pct) and still getting stronger, but not as fast of course.
Is there something I can take during post cycle therapy (pct) so the "can't fuck my girlfriend" thing isnt much of a problem? I can already tell there is gonna be hell trying to find lies to say why I can't do shit in the bedroom, seeing as she doesn't know about my "supplements" and if she did I would be fucked.
Winchester said:
Is there something I can take during post cycle therapy (pct) so the "can't fuck my girlfriend" thing isnt much of a problem? I can already tell there is gonna be hell trying to find lies to say why I can't do shit in the bedroom, seeing as she doesn't know about my "supplements" and if she did I would be fucked.
Did you run hCG during your cycle? Sure seems like people that use hCG during their cycles recovery better.
I didnt run it this cycle but will have to make it a must for the next. In addition to that are there any other things that I could take during post cycle therapy (pct) to avoid it?
Winchester said:
In addition to that are there any other things that I could take during post cycle therapy (pct) to avoid it?
There are available supplements, but they can actually interfere with your recovery, and I have seen many guys use the supplements to no avail, so I recommend against using them. If the SERMs don't kickstart the HPTA, then nothing will except more time and a longer run of PCT.

Of course, there isn't any reason to avoid using Viagra or Cialis if that helps.
I apologize for not knowing this but wouldn't b12 help as an energy boost? or is that just not a good idea? But I do know when I take a break it only gets that much harder to get back into habit. I would just make a very strong effort to push it that much harder.
Winchester said:
I didnt run it this cycle but will have to make it a must for the next. In addition to that are there any other things that I could take during post cycle therapy (pct) to avoid it?

I started out this post cycle therapy (pct) running both clomid and nolva and I could not get an erection to save my life. I switched to just nolva and I feel far better now.

I'm not sure if that's because I'm a bit further in post cycle therapy (pct) now, or my body just does not like clomid.
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mranak said:
Of course, there isn't any reason to avoid using Viagra or Cialis if that helps.

Fuck yea,,,,,,get some liquid cialis and your girl will really be wondering what the fuck is going on, but in a good way. :rockband:
maybe I will grab some Cialis just in case shit gets serious with no erection.