Post cycle therapy questions


New member
Hey guys. I have i pretty big cycle coming up that includes

Alpha one max
Deca drol max
Stano drol

Ive heard that nolva is needed for deca, although i know tgat deca is not the same as deca drol max. My question is, if i have enough clomid but only 2 weeks worth of nolva, can i still run a successful pct?

Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 20/10/10

Thats the best i can do with what i can get. if adex and DIM are on hand, would this be better?

How could i make this into a proper pct if gettingmore is not an option?
Working out for 5 years
26 years old
About 10-12% bf
6 ft 1 in

My goal is to put on as much lean muscle mass as possible, so i have an extremely clean diet of 3,500 cals ED. I will be taking to max (recommended) amount of each product.
I can have all the clomid, adex, And dim, but not as much nolva