POST-Workout Nutrition Question(s).


New member

For some reason I feel as though I'm becoming confused on what to eat post workout.

I would like advice on what to eat after a weight training session
Would 2 scoops of Whey + 2 scoops of "Primaforce Waxy Maize Starch, Carb Slam"?....

I always thought you wanted simple sugars + some other carbs + PROTEIN post workout....would this be just dextrose or maltodextrin?

Can you take just Waxy Maize? What exactly is it? I tried reading up on this but it just talks about carbs and I want to make a clear distinction

And Also Post workout for cardio only days...What would you recommend postworkout for carbs and protein and what ratios??

Thanks and I really appreicate any feedback...
You want predominantly carbs and protein protein pwo. The sources arent hugely important. I generally do a box of cereal and half a gallon of skim milk, or 2 potatos and some chicken.

Technically, 2 scoops of whey would negate the purported advantages of waxy maize (you want any additives such as whey, aminos, creatine, etc to amount to no more than 1/4 the amount of waxy maize), but im not convinced waxy maize holds any measurable benefit over any other starch such as potatos. And since I prefer to eat my calories as opposed to drink them, that puts waxy maize pretty low on my list of usefull supplements.

There really is no consensus on what the different marketed waxy maizes actually are. Its just an overhyped, glorified carb powder as far as im concerned.
This is what i consume.

MEAL SIX - Post Workout 6:30
1 Servings of Surge Recovery
2 Cups of Water

MEAL SEVEN - One Hour Post Workout 7:30
1 Serving of Biotest Metabolic Drive
1 Scoop of Biotest Whey Protein
1/2 Cup Oatmeal
1/2 Cup Fat Free Yogurt
1/2 cup Mixed Fruit
1 Heaping tablespoon of Pumpkin
2 Cups of Water