Powder Weights...


New member
I know on the powder calc it says to leave the powder weight alone unless you are sure what it is... my question is, where would one find this number if they wanted to? I'm pretty sure its the amount of oil displaced per gram of powder, but just was wondering... anyone know?

Its the specific volume. You cant really look that up Ive tried, only way to know is to do it. Basically its goes fluffy powders (~.7-.75) - fine powders (.75-.8) and liquids/semi solid gear (.8-.85)
The one thing I have thought since I posted this is that it might mean the actual weight of the hormone??? I mean, since the ester is fully soluable in water, it would leave just the hormone to displace the oil... so would 1 minus the ester weight give an accurate number to use?

no the ester wight is figured in the total weight. the heavier the ester is the less parent hormone you have however long ester gear builds higher blood level in the long haul.