Prami makes me sleepy...very sleepy...


New member
Liquid Prami makes me very sleepy...and I see that is a common side effect. Any ideas on how to counter it, or should I simply go low tech and use it just prior to bed time?
Prami needs to be taken at night, before bed. Then this side becomes a plus. Thats what I do, take it at night , before bed.
600mg of test-cyp and 400mg of deca per week, divided into two 3.5day shots. Done under the protective guidance of 3J (which obviously means a proper diet for the bulk).
If you dont know for certain, by blood work, that your prolactin is in fact high it is completely unnecessary to run a DA.
600mg of test-cyp and 400mg of deca per week, divided into two 3.5day shots. Done under the protective guidance of 3J (which obviously means a proper diet for the bulk).

With that moderate-low dosage of deca I don't really see the need for the prami bro... just drop it, problem solved
If you dont know for certain, by blood work, that your prolactin is in fact high it is completely unnecessary to run a DA.

With that moderate-low dosage of deca I don't really see the need for the prami bro... just drop it, problem solved

I was under the mistaken thought it would automatically be needed - like an AI is needed on that cycle. This is why I love this place, I learn something all the time. I will drop it and wait for my five week blood work test to see if I need to add it - or if I find myself unable to perform in the bedroom even when taking Cialis. My fear of Deca-dick got the better of me.

Like you guys said, problem solved! :D
I was under the mistaken thought it would automatically be needed - like an AI is needed on that cycle. This is why I love this place, I learn something all the time. I will drop it and wait for my five week blood work test to see if I need to add it - or if I find myself unable to perform in the bedroom even when taking Cialis. My fear of Deca-dick got the better of me.

Like you guys said, problem solved! :D

No, it is not a MUST like an AI. Most of the time if you keep estradiol under control prolactin will stay good as well man. Drop it and re evaluate in a few weeks!
If u keep estrogen in check by running an ai dosed properly u shouldn't need to run Prami
Prami is some pretty harsh shit.bro
When I run deca most of the time I dont need prami. When I run it at a very high dose I do, but under most circumstances I dont. Now when tren comes into the picture the need for prami comes into play for me.
As was said e2 management is the key and only use prami when sides start to occur. Lactation , sexual sides are the first indication a DA like prami needs to be used. Prami is like ralox or tamox, it should be on hand in case, but not used on cycle. The AI is your primary "must have" IMO. I am actually writing an article right now, "The add ons that make the Difference" and I get into this very topic.
I have not gotten sick, but I have gotten tired. Heh...sick and tired...reminds me of a famous skit by Bill Cosby. "And tired" always followed sick. Worst beating I ever got in my life, my mother said, "I am just sick..." And I said, "and tired." I don't remember anything after that.
I have not gotten sick, but I have gotten tired. Heh...sick and tired...reminds me of a famous skit by Bill Cosby. "And tired" always followed sick. Worst beating I ever got in my life, my mother said, "I am just sick..." And I said, "and tired." I don't remember anything after that.

If you DO need it, bedtime with a small meal works like a charm. Boners approaching spaghetti-like strength are easily the best indicators that you should start the dopamine agonist. ;)
Thanks everyone - this site is the best. I would be all teary eyed right now if I was not keeping my E2 in check. ;)