Pre-employment drug screens now detect steroids? new cheap test?


New member
Look what I found at the CVS web stie. A cheap new test for steroids.

If they can sell this at 75$ at a PROFIT and the average joe can just get this from cvs whats stoping pre employment tests from doing this? Dosent seem like it costs alot. I was thinking of taking the test to see if the gear im taking is realy what the label claims as the active ingredient but you must purchase it online wich means your credit card number would probably end up in a secret government database like they did in the early 90's with operation green merchant it sounds paranoid but dont you know Taylor Hoot killed himself on roids and Chris Ben Wha killed his F*king family!! They can come and get you and it's five years minimum mandatory in a FEDERAL PENITENTIARY FOR ONE AMP OR PILL!!!
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What the fuck. Calm the hell down.

Employers are not going to screen for steroids unless it has a direct effect on your job. They have no reason to do it or to spend the money. They're looking for drugs that could affect your job performance. Steroids typically don't do that.

And his name is Chris Benoit. He's not some Asian motherfucker Ben Wha.
Ya I wouldn't worry to much about this. Typically they want you to pass these things for insurance purposes...
Also where do you get those sentence guidelines? Typically you won't be dealing w/ feds unless you're big time selling... Take the advice and relax:)
Dude roods didn't kill them jesus antidepressants alcohol pain pills with the juice killed them jack ass
Where did you find this? Does it make sense?

pre employment screening companies
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