Pre Workout question


New member
How long before starting workout do you take your Pre Workout shake?

I usually workout 1 hr 30 min after a big meal. Would that be correct?
luquillo78 said:
How long before starting workout do you take your Pre Workout shake?

1-1.5 hours would be what I would recommend.

luquillo78 said:
I usually workout 1 hr 30 min after a big meal. Would that be correct?

Depends on how quickly you can digest it as well as what you are eating pre-workout. If it works for you, go for it. Other guys need more time, some less.
Aboot said:
1-1.5 hours would be what I would recommend.

Depends on how quickly you can digest it as well as what you are eating pre-workout. If it works for you, go for it. Other guys need more time, some less.

Ok thanks aboot.
I can't eat anything closer than an hour before I train or I feel like i'm going to throw it up during the entire session.