precontest+ cycle yielded great results!

Had great results running this as my first prep cycle! figured id share the wealth. I transitioned straight from;
dbol @40 mg/day; 10mgs in the morning, 20mgs preworkout 8 hrs later, and 10mgs immediately prebed 8 hrs after that.
test e @500mgs/week.
i ran this for 8 weeks, and was planning to run it for 16 then come off, as an "intro to gear" kind of cycle, but was offered the chance at a significant sponsorship if i would be willing to step onstage before the end of the year.
so i set up, and transitioned to;

weeks 12 thru 0
test p @100mgs/eod
tren ace @50mgs/day
adex @1mg/day
weeks 8 thru 0
oral winny @50mgs/day
oral prov @100mgs/day
anavar @60mgs/day
weeks 3/2/1
halo 10/20/30 mgs/day
I also used a topical trestolone spray, but i have no idea if it was legit or not (seemed WAY too cheap to be real trest, but it was direct from the manufacturer, so maybe?) or what the dose was other than 1 "spray" in the morning and 1 spray pre workout. So i dont really count that in the stack, but it seems worth mentioning.

Now i know we're not supposed to ask questions in this section, so this is more of a statement, but ill invite any and all criticism of it (constructive or otherwise). For PCT i simply came off everything but test p and tren. I stayed on both for one more week, then and slowly transitioned to just 250mgs/week of test c. I came off tren, and I shot 100mgs test p + 75 mgs test p, then 75 mgs of p, then 125 mgs c + 50mgs p, then 50mgs p, then 125mgs c + 25 mgs p, ending at just 125 mg shots 2x week to cruise (plus hcg). My original intention was to come off entirely using clomid, adex, and hcg. However, upon further consideration i decided to just cruise instead. Ill be going back on to get ready to compete again in 2-4 months, and decided that coming off would be more stress and result in more losses than would be worth it when im competing again in such a short time. Anyway, it worked/is working fine. My strength is actually UP since iv gone on cruise, adding significant poundage to almost all my lifts, and matching my flat bench pr, despite not having FB'd in over 3 months. I also havent noticed any sides, other than a very slight reduction in back/shoulder acne (no testicular atrophy either, even after over 24 weeks on, with no hcg usage yet. That normal?). I've stayed lean, putting on some fat but keeping it very manageable.

My stats were
Before test e/dbol cycle;
approx. 240 lbs, %22-%24 bf.
18 inch arms, 37 inch waist, 27 inch legs, 15 inch calves. chest and shoulders (very approximate) 45 and 52 inches respectively. over 5 years lifting, about 4 years competing.
I bulked to 251 in the 8 weeks of test and dbol, gained a shitload of strength, and some solid mass. However, my bodyfat was so high that it was real hard to tell what was muscle gain, and what was just pump or water retention, so i attribute most of the muscle gained as going to my shoulders (which broadened a bit) and legs (which got noticeably thicker). My arms didnt change much, and my back and chest were too fatty to be able to tell.

I started the second portion of my cycle at; 251 lbs, 6'1'', approx. 23% bf, with similar stats to those above.
I ENDED my second cycle (and now sit at), 225 lbs (at my lightest during my cut I was down to 215.2, and 222 on stage), 19 inch arms, 26 inch legs, 32 inch waist, 16 inch calves, (47 inch chest and 55 inch shoulders?) All measurements are approximate, but accurate for the most part (I measured accurately, but not in static conditions, and they may have changed since i measured). Anyway, pics are below! The before was a week or so before i started the Precontest portion, but AFTER i was already on the test/dbol. After pics are 1 week precontest. Only real sides i noticed even on cycle were constant fucking boners (at like the worst times too) and an insane sex drive, some back and hand pumps, mild mood swings (which i think were more from the starvation and cardio than the gear), and minor shoulder/back acne. Halo gave me some mad aggression spikes, but i was anticipating those, and was able to handle them very easily (actually was kind of a fun feeling once i got used to it).

Any and all feedback is appreciated!View attachment 559892View attachment 559893View attachment 559894View attachment 559895View attachment 559896