preparing for first cycle


New member
29 male
205 lbs
17% bf
goal-strength gains are of the highest priority to me, secondarily would be size. I can get all cut up after I have something respectable to carve, not important atm. Although I'd prefer to not carry a bunch of extra water weight as my job keeps me highly active, so that may not be an issue anyway.
(what else you wanna know?)

I'm currently in preparation for my first stack. By that I mean I'd like to cut 2 % or more bf prior to cycling, based on numerous recommendations from other threads by senior members of the board.

I feel like I can get there within a few weeks, but my question is, does 2% really make that big of a difference in susceptibility to side effects? I will be using the recommended first cycle for beginners of test c 250, along with nova and clomid concurrently. Specifics of the cycle I'm not yet sure of, probably 500mg /wk in 2 doses. I've also read taking hcg and arimidex would most benefit me during this cycle. (Seems like a lot of accessories for a single compound cycle, but I trust you guys).

I have a source that has test 300mg listed as available, but I didn't see a 250, also I didn't see arimidex. Are there other names for that one? Outside of losing the 2%bf and priming my body with the right foods what else can I do to prepare? I know this is covering a lot, I hope I've posted in the right place for it.
Is the 2% of body fat going to make a huge difference? No. But then, how accurate is your 17% measure? Did you get a Body Pod scan? Or could you really be at 20%?

Test dosed at 300mg/ml is fine. You just inject less ml to get 250mg. Just do the math. I will warn you though that the higher the concentration, the more like it is that you will get post injection pain (PIP). Ever get a penicillin shotnin the ass that hurt for a few days afterwards? This is worse.

The way you manage excess water weight and bloat is by managing estradiol. You have been reading the stickies, so think back to what you read about the Aromatase Enzyme. This enzyme is found throughout your organs and fat cells. It converts Testosterone into estrogen. You body needs estrogen, but not too much. So back to your earlier question about 17% body fat. The higher your body fat, the more aromatization that you will likely experience. You can inhibit this process by taking an Aromatase Inhibitor. Commonly used ones are Arimidex (Anastrozole) and Aromasin (Exemestane). You can get them from RUI.

I highly recommend hCG on cycle to. It will help you recover after your cycle by minimizing testicular atrophy.

What else to prepare? Keep reading. Go through threads and see what kindnof problems guys encountered on cycles and how they dealt with them. Such as: edema, PIP, abscesses, BP, hematocrit, etc. Will you be able yo get blood work on the oil rig? If not, time your cycle so you are not on the rig during the cycle. Do you know how to interpret your blood work.

Have you ordered pins and syringes? To you know how to pin and have sites picked out?

Also please lay out your cycle in detail so we can see what you are planning on running. List durations and dosages, etc.
I'll write up the cycle after work. There would be no way to do the cycle without being on the rig as I work 21 on and 21 off. So a 10 week cycle I plan on getting blood work done 2 weeks prior, then at 5 weeks in, while I'm home the next time, then 2 weeks after, which I think would be right before coming back to work. So I could do proper blood work if I plan it right. How much do these tests usually run? And would I need to avoid discussing the reasons for my bloodwork? Although I'm sure he'd know by looking at it. I just don't know the protocol on that one. Thank you for the information, I will absolutely keep reading and learning.

It's my new bedtime routine. workout, shower, snack, read ology for about an hour. Lol
Thank you again for the info. I'll definitely check out your links. Medical discretion is one concern that I had. Like I said I'll post the cycle later. I have read through that thread but getting so much info at once is leaving me with a need to reread it perhaps.
So the cycle I'm wanting to run is as follows
Week 1-10
Test C 500mg/wk split mon/Thurs
HCG @ 500iu /wk split mon/Thurs
Week 1-14
Arimidex @ .25 MG eod

Wait 14 days

Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nova. 40/20/20/20

Any critiques are welcome. Looking at RUI now for the A-dex...wish I knew more about their products, but I'll check out the supp forum later.

If I can't find a source I'm more comfortable with I may do 600 mg/wk test c Same split. We'll see.
So the cycle I'm wanting to run is as follows
Week 1-10
Test C 500mg/wk split mon/Thurs
HCG @ 500iu /wk split mon/Thurs
Week 1-14
Arimidex @ .25 MG eod

Wait 14 days

Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nova. 40/20/20/20

Any critiques are welcome. Looking at RUI now for the A-dex...wish I knew more about their products, but I'll check out the supp forum later.

If I can't find a source I'm more comfortable with I may do 600 mg/wk test c Same split. We'll see.

You can run the HCG right up to 3 days before starting PCT - you'll need appropriate needles for this.
You haven't mentioned liver support - I recommend NAC at 1200mg daily.
Personally I'd run the cycle another 2-4 weeks -but that's just my personal preference.

If medical discretion is important to you - use the labs in Megatron's signature and get them done privately.

I'd also recommend keeping a cycle diary, and write down dates/times of every injection and tablet involved.
This lowers the chance of missing anything - you just destroy the evidence post-cycle.
Only other thing I will add to what Ben said is to continue the AI up until you stop the hCG. It takes time for the Test levels to come down so you will still be subject to aromatization.
I'll write up the cycle after work. There would be no way to do the cycle without being on the rig as I work 21 on and 21 off. So a 10 week cycle I plan on getting blood work done 2 weeks prior, then at 5 weeks in, while I'm home the next time, then 2 weeks after, which I think would be right before coming back to work. So I could do proper blood work if I plan it right. How much do these tests usually run? And would I need to avoid discussing the reasons for my bloodwork? Although I'm sure he'd know by looking at it. I just don't know the protocol on that one. Thank you for the information, I will absolutely keep reading and learning.

It's my new bedtime routine. workout, shower, snack, read ology for about an hour. Lol

i would rec 12-14wk cycle. 10 is a bit of a waste IMO. also AIs like dex and PCT stuff can be found at RUI ( sponsor banner up top)
/\ yeah I've been looking at their products. I'll have to compare the prices because the source I have offer tabs for the pct, doesn't seem to have AI though. Are these pct from rui injectible or what? Can you simply ingest the liquid orally? I will consider the 12-14 week cycle, but being new and wanting to maximize what I get for the $, an even 10 may work best. I know test peaks around week 4 or 5 with longer esters, based on what I've read so I can also see the value in the longer cycle. I will adjust my cycle to have the AI and HCG running until 10 days after last stick. I'm assuming HCG is an injectible? Or am I a retard? I'm not familiar with the IU measurement.
RUI's products are taken orally. Get 1ml oral syringes. I order a box of 100 from Amazon for something $14.

hCG is injected IM or Subq.
In looking at the products through RUI, and based off the dosages I'm proposing, it looks as though I'll have plenty to spare, am I right? Looks like I'll have enough arimidex to last a year and a half at the rate I'll be cycling lol. How much risk do I assume by ordering these products? I read their disclaimer, can we discuss the difference their product has from other to be so readily available? Or would that be better suited for another forum/pm? I really appreciate all the help.

As for the liver, I planned on taking milk thistle in addition to the myovite multivitamin packs I take. I don't know that I've heard of NAC, but I cam look it up and see what's up. Thanks for the suggestion.

Also, it may have been covered elsewhere, but since we're on the topic, can I load 1 syringe with both test and hcg?
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