Primabol and Accutane

I am currently taking accutane. I will be doing it for the next 2-3 months. However, Id really like to do a cycle sometime soon especially since were going into the summer season. My biggest concern is that accutane can be harsh on the liver. I'm assuming primabol can be as well. I was wondering if it would be safe to do it giving I would be taking every precaution possible including using a liver protection agent such as liver guardian...

If I were to do this, I would be purchasing primabol and the post cycle therapy from as well as the liver guardian.

My question is whether or not I should actually do this cycle now or wait until I am off the accutane and also, whenever I do decide to do the cycle.. should i make sure to purchase any other supplements to make sure by body will remain in good condition before, during, and after the cycle. I'll take everyone's answers very seriously when deciding to do it or not. I'm not one who will go off and do something stupid if I'm highly advised not to.... so help me out guys. I would really appreciate it. thanks in advance.
Primobolan is not nearly as toxic as many other aas. Its probly one of the mostif not the most gentle on the liver out of all the aas. However i am not to certain of the dangers of accutane as i have never had to use it