Primobolan and Testoviron cycle advice plus pct


New member
Hi All,

95kg 5'11 42yo, trained for 20 years, and dabbled a little blindly in my early 20's.
strong as i can be naturally, on a good day can press 140kg (315lb) 1rm.
looking for harder and leaner gains which i can keep, but no too bothered in adding more than a minimal amount of size.
Don't drink - don't smoke.
Eat a good diet, to macros.

I am looking at Primobolan (100mg) and Testoviron 100 (125mg)
10/12 weeks
Primo 400mg /week and testoviron 250mg/week
2 shots per week

The Primo for the limited sides, and the positive gains,
the test as it is pretty much always advised to counter the close down,
Enanthate as it will be longer between pins,

reason i am looking at testoviron 100 is it is one 125mg/amp shot (rather than 250 once a week), so would balance it out:
2amps primo, 1amp test per injection, twice a week.

Or would it be better to have one 250mg of enanthate once a week (that would be Testoviron 250)

can't find a lot of info on the testoviron, apart from that it is 100mg enanthate, and 25mg propionate (German Remedies)
the primo would be Turkish Bayer Shering (rimobolan)

i've done as much homework on the supplier as is reasonably possible, and the products and supplier seem to have positive reviews on forums.

pct i was considering:
hcg for the last 4 weeks of the cycle
then nolvadex and clomid for the 3 weeks following the end.
i was going to call the end of the cycle 10 days after the last injection.
i also considered running the primo one week longer than the test, so they finished around the same time, is that a good idea??

is this pct overkill or prudent.

would appreciate any advice,
this is where i have got to with my research, the more i read, the more often i change my mind!!!
Welcome to the boards! Have you had blood work done? Whats your BF?

thanks - no to blood works, it's a bit of an odd one in the UK.
there was a place in Manchester which ran blood tests at one time, but for the Manchester region, otherwise, from what i understand the national health GPs are reluctant to help(unless anyone knows any different).

BF- unsure,
we have some scales, but they're way out.
my partner competes, and what our bodyfat scales said were completely different to what her coach measures with calipers.
Welcome to the boards! Have you had blood work done? Whats your BF?

thanks - no to blood works, it's a bit of an odd one in the UK.
there was a place in Manchester which ran blood tests at one time, but for the Manchester region, otherwise, from what i understand the national health GPs are reluctant to help(unless anyone knows any different).

BF- unsure,
we have some scales, but they're way out.
my partner competes, and what our bodyfat scales said were completely different to what her coach measures with calipers.
id start pct about 14 days post final injection. I personally prefer hcg at a low dose throughout the cycle, stopping 3 days pre pct. For example: 250iu's-2x/week, then pct. I do know many prefer just t the end however.
As far as pct duration I go with 4 weeks clomid and nolva. Clomid 70/35/35/35 and Nolva 40/20/20/20
Do as Jimi pointed out 2 weeks after last pin. One thing I'd say with pct consider throwing in some gw501516 it's non supressive. run it during, and 4 weeks post pct at 20mg per day. It will help with endurance keep moivation high and give you that edge when you are feeling crappy during and after pct.