Progress Log

slayer of souls

New member
Photo Progress Log... Trying to be a superhero

Posted pics before, still havent paid my electricity bill. Thought I would post some general updates during my cycle. Currently 4 days in.

Started my cycle:
Age 24
Weight 200lbs
Cycle History: Test, deca, dbol. (3 cycles done)

500mg Test E 1-14weeks
400mg Deca 1-12 weeks
40mg Dbol ED 1-4weeks

HCG 14-16 weeks 1000iu e4d

100/50/50 Clomid and Nolva 10/10/10 16-20 week
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Hell yeah man. Looking pumped. Mammoth. Keep us updated on your journey. I love to see everyone's transformations. Good luck man.
you look thicker than 200lbs if you are really 5'9. maybe it's just cuz you're posing in the dark. get some lights and post a few more pics bro!