Prohormone to test cypionate/Masteron


New member
Guys I have a question. I have been lifting for 30 years, and did a test en cycle when I was 25, and then some androstenedione in the late 90's. I am currently 45 years old, and started a pro hormone cycle of 1AD andro about 4 weeks ago. I just today got my hands on some test cyp, and Masteron for an upcoming cycle I am looking forward to. My question is..can I go directly into my test cyp/masteron cycle, and stop the 1AD, or should I go off 1AD, do PCT, then start my aas cycle? Probably a stupid question, but its been awhile since I have used aas. I see that several have stacked pro hormones with aas in the past, but I would like to drop the 1AD, and go with test/masteron. I have good labs, and PCT squared away.
Any advice would be much appreciated!
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clman thanks for the help! Do you think I can start the test cyp/masteron right away and still come out with a good 8 to 10 week test/mast cycle?
Thanks again.
Kind of doing it backwards, but as you're already shut down, I'd probably just start the test and masteron now. It would be wise to start getting pre-cycle blood tests as you're getting to the age where low testosterone is a risk - and it is always good to know if you start feeling like crap after a cycle whether or not it was a preexisting condition.

I also invite you to read the stickies at the top of the AAS forum. There's a great deal of information in there that will help you get the most out of your cycle.

My .02c :)
clman/halfwit..Thank you for the good info, I really appreciate it! I will definitely check out the stickies for info on getting the most out of my test/mast cycle. My blood work pre 1AD cycle showed my test at 540. Dr. didn't even consider trt at that level when I inquired, but I will keep monitoring it.
Thanks again gentleman, I appreciate your time!