Guys I have a question. I have been lifting for 30 years, and did a test en cycle when I was 25, and then some androstenedione in the late 90's. I am currently 45 years old, and started a pro hormone cycle of 1AD andro about 4 weeks ago. I just today got my hands on some test cyp, and Masteron for an upcoming cycle I am looking forward to. My question is..can I go directly into my test cyp/masteron cycle, and stop the 1AD, or should I go off 1AD, do PCT, then start my aas cycle? Probably a stupid question, but its been awhile since I have used aas. I see that several have stacked pro hormones with aas in the past, but I would like to drop the 1AD, and go with test/masteron. I have good labs, and PCT squared away.
Any advice would be much appreciated!
Any advice would be much appreciated!
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