Prohormones before steroids?


I am banned!
I hear this should be done. Prohormones are more harsh on the body esp the liver but they can be discontinued faster? Plus they sell them unmethylated? Considering it for the future. Still thinking about it. I will eventually try one or the other. Legal steroid prescription by testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) w. a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or a unmethylated PRO H. w. AI? Bloodtests prior too. Not telling doc, going to a hormone center or something. Not considering now maybe in 1-2 yrs.
most of the non-methyl PH's dont perform well when they are run solo, they are normally stacked with a methyl for good results. As for the original question, that is not entirely true......some folks run "real" gear from the start, some run Ph's and never touch the real "gear". Legality has a lot to do with those that run strictly prohormones..........PH's are legal, pinning gear is not, unless prescribed by a dr....
I think it's a good stepping stone and prelude to real AAS. I did oral cycles for a few years before jumping to real aas (always with a test base). It'll give you time to research more, get used to being on cycle, get comfortable with aas (as most PHs are active steroids). My .02
Agreed I've ran a bunch of prohormones. It isn't worth it. Start with real gear. Most people don't want to start with real gear because they are worried about pinning, but TRUST ME, it's not that bad at all.
I think most people start with prohormones due to the difficulty of finding a legit source for real gear. I would agree though, may as well start with the real stuff (if possible) 'cause you'll end up there eventually anyways.

If you decide to go the prohormone route, go with a methyl, run support supps, do a real PCT, and stay away from AMS products.