My trt doc isn't the best. Reccomendations?

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Actually, I don't know anyone here so I snapped a quick pic. I've only been working out 5 months so I'm hoping addimg mass to my chest and dieting will do something. If not, surgery.

Ok, I see. It looks like it's only your left side.

I'm thinking you'll probably need surgery for that though.

Damn good results for 5 months! Keep doing what you're doing in the gym.
Is there a noticeable lump when you push your chest towards your armpit? If so, then yeah, it'll probably take surgery.

I kinda have the same problem, though different. Same side as yours, but mine isn't a "lump". It's not as tight as my right chest for some reason... Makes it appear kinda saggy, but not too bad. It bothers me for sure, but I'm hoping to build it up and fill it out.
Is there a noticeable lump when you push your chest towards your armpit? If so, then yeah, it'll probably take surgery.

I kinda have the same problem, though different. Same side as yours, but mine isn't a "lump". It's not as tight as my right chest for some reason... Makes it appear kinda saggy, but not too bad. It bothers me for sure, but I'm hoping to build it up and fill it out.
I know mine requires surgery. It started out as a puffy, swollen nipple. Then it got terribly painful to the touch for many years. It's funny now that I started lifting again, it doesn't seem as painful. It would be uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach before.
It really grew on my period of extreme inactivity from about 2011 to recently when I started working out again. It went from a noticeable mass/lump under the nipple to what you see now. A saggy, hanging boob. In that inactivity period, I went from 185lbs to 208lbs. Now at 176, it's still there.
I need some help. I'm on a roller coaster of learn one thing, start researching that, learn two other things, start researching those, then learn two more, and spend many hours chasing my tail to end up more confused than before.

I'm scared of anything I don't have a script for, but I'm starting to get over that because I don't think they test for anabolics and ai's for a drug test at work. I have a friend who's taking some stuff and I'm hoping they drug test him soon so I can see if he gets fired. I know, I'm a great friend. Ha

Trying to stay otc, I purchased PES Erase high affinity inhibitor and was gonna try that. Then, of course I read that low e2 is bad also. I don't mind paying for bloodwork out of pocket, just don't know which of the 10 estradiol labs to order. (EDIT: I found this info in bold several times in another thread) I also contacted a website that wanted to give me a TRT program that included test cyp, anastrazole, hcg, b-12, and MIC(whatever that is).

On their dosing, they had the anastrazole as taken for two days following a test shot. Which led me to think, since e2 being too low was bad and I already have the otc Erase, could I take it only for the 2-3 days following a 150mg weekly shot and it help with the aromatization? Or doe this product need to be taken continuously to be "effective". And if it actually works, would taking it make me too low on e2?

Any helpful advice would be appreciated. And I know I have a ton to learn and I'm trying. There is just so much info here and once I start looking in the anabolic forum, the differing opinions and types of cycles, and ancillaries is a little overwhelming.
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Drug testing is mainly main stream drugs to get high on like opiates,thc,amphetamines,cocaine. I think there are benzodiazapimes and something else, but not anabolics. Atleast there isn't on the drug test panel at the VA where I work.

OTC E2 inhibitors are not likely to crash your E2 because they are typically not very good to start with. Be very careful with anastrozole though...very easy to crash your E2 with that, and it's not very fun for a few days.

Test yourself before starting anything and make sure you need to take a AI.
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These pics were taken approx 15 days apart with the thinner one being today. I have been having a hard time losing the extra fat and with my higher dose of 150/wk I was thinking I was feeling some sensitivity in my boob that already has gyno. No blood work but I ordered that otc erase and started on it 3 days ago. It very well could be the placebo effect, but I swear in those 3 days, I have thinned out alot with no other real changes. Actually, not true. Saturday was injection time and I decided to start 75mg e3d instead of one bigger shot.

Edit:Well, looking at the pics now there isn't a huge difference. But sideways pic was a hard flex of abs and positioning just right to show them while straight on pic, I wasn't able to flex as hard cause it caused my hand to shake too much for a steady pic.
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Thats gyno, 100%... the bane of my existence. Nolva helped mine for a while. Recently, Raloxifene REALLY helped... but... nothing got rid of it 100%. Then I added in HCG, and despite rock bottom estrogen levels, it still aggravated the hell out of my gyno. Already have the procedure scheduled - I can't stand that sensation in my nipples when I wear a shirt.

You are lean... same as myself. That almost makes the gyno worse. I hate looking in the mirror at the canvas hard work painted, only to see this odd puff/bulge protruding out of the left pec.
