Prohormones in canada?


New member
Are prohormones legal in canada at this moment? If so, what is available and where can i get them?
alright heres the deal
in gnc, nutrition house, your good health, and all them other stores that carry supplements, all I have seen is tribulus terrestris, and ZMA. Not much selection, sorry bro. I say you go across the border into N.Y. state and check out the variety there. There is much more to chose from in the States.
yeah, because i am dying to try this stuff as ive been reading up on it and its too good to be true, but as ive been hearing people say that they have awesome gains from this
I am definitely gonna have to take a road trip soon to NY to get some of this stuff.....the only thing im curious about is....

-- do they have expiry dates?

I know i will have to buy nolva for PCT, and tons of multi's......
gymphreak said:
yeah, because i am dying to try this stuff as ive been reading up on it and its too good to be true, but as ive been hearing people say that they have awesome gains from this
I am definitely gonna have to take a road trip soon to NY to get some of this stuff.....the only thing im curious about is....

-- do they have expiry dates?

I know i will have to buy nolva for PCT, and tons of multi's......

Try which stuff? Any one in particular? Just because they're legal, does not mean that they're entirely safe. Make sure you know exactly what you're getting into and what the risks are. Nothing is too good to be true, be sure to read carefully about the potential side effects. Many on the board are written about them in different threads around here, (especially M1t lately) check that out.
yeah, ive been reading up on that stuff alot.....I am thinking of getting either M1T, M4-AD or Methyldienolone. I have considered 1-Test, but am more linient towards M1T or methyl.
ALRIGHT......From Ontario.....where is the closest place in New York that has a store where I can get M1T powder or tabs for the best price??
There is a GNC in the walden galleria mall...Its about 15 minutes from the border in buffalo, I've been to this mall many times. The phone number is 681-2366. Not sure of the area code, but I'm sure you can find it. Call and see which prohormones they carry. Let me know once you've done this if possible too.
gymphreak said:
why do you wish to know if i went to the mall and got the stuff? Where in ontario are you?

No man, I want you to tell me which ph's GNC in Buffalo carries once you've called.
I'm in Toronto.
ah i see...Ive tried looking all over the net, and it seems that the american GNC's dont carry prohormones.....
DAMN! They dont carry prohormones anymore...i just got off the phone with em....they wouldnt give me a referral to another nutrition shoppe...