Prohormones....needing advice on types and PCT


New member
Alright guys,

I am a complete amateur when it comes to knowledge on prohormones. I have been researching for a few weeks now online and am turning to you guys for help. I've been lifting seriously for about 5 years now, and dieting seriously for 2. I'm in my early twenties, but have done enough research to know I would like to start using a prohormone (leaning towards Epistane) in order to boost my gains, as they have slowed dramatically. I have tried various supplements, but only noticed very limited gains.

I am only looking for a decent boost to noticeably make gains, nothing absurd. I weigh about 170, and am trying to get to 190 eventually, while keeping an aesthetic body type. I understand I may need to just bulk and then eventually cut down, but would really prefer to keep BF at a low.

If anyone could help push me in the correct direction for an effective prohormone that has very limited side effects I would really appreciate it. I'm nervous about any side effects, so I know I will be needing a good PCT plan as well. Again, I am completely new to please include effective dosages, how long I should take specific supplements (ex. milk thistle 2 weeks before) to safely do this, and any other useful information you feel I should know.

I will gladly post what I decide on, as well as my before/after stats. As I am sure similar posts come up all the time, if you feel you know of a good reply to this, please pass the links on to me.

EDIT: I also feel this post is needed for other new guys considering a cycle out there. As most of the information I found was outdated. I know there has to be better PH's out now, then when a lot of the beneficial articles I read were posted.
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How old are you? What's your training and nutrition looking like. There are several out there. If you get chance visit Prohormones - Trenavar | Epistane | H-Drol | Mechabol And More! Check out any of the Ironflex and Ironmaglabs solid companies. I'm awaiting some MSTEN to run should be in soon. I've ran Orbit Nutrition - IronFlex Supplements Brawn (Epistane Clone) Cheap! and had some strength and size gains. Just keep in mind to take your support supps. Ironmaglabs Cycle support is solid and well used around the boards. Do some research on pct several out there. Good luck bro!
Get a bottle of helladrol and 350-500mg of tes for 10-14 wks. Use the hella as a jumpstart.

Keep reading and learning. That is the most important part.
as gymrat said ^^^
if you cant get a decent source or dont wanna inject run a helladrol stack,its a great 1st run hormone thats provides great solid gains with lower sides. alot of guys are added 10-14lbs so its no joke