Prop Injection


New member
Since it has such a short half life, what injection cycles are best when using Prop.? Before or after workout?
megaman said:
Since it has such a short half life, what injection cycles are best when using Prop.? Before or after workout?

Well, it's not THAT short ;-)
I think only suspension will do you any good in the gym if you inject right before workout.
The main thing w/ prop is to inject about the same time of day to keep blood levels fairly consistent.
I do prop EOD, in the AM, just because that's my particular schedule, and not becasue I work out in the AM.
Anybody else?
Buff..I thought you gave up on Prop because of the pain? I HATE prop for this reason..never had any luck :( !
DRveejay11 said:
Buff..I thought you gave up on Prop because of the pain? I HATE prop for this reason..never had any luck :( !

No, my fine young brother! I discovered "Buffdoc" brand prop, and my life has changed! To me, it's all about BB/BA ratios and such, and I've learned to keep it at 100mg/ml or below.