Prop/var/mast cycle and existing gyno


New member
Whats up guys? Signed up here cause I needed some advice.

I'm thinking of doing the following cycle sometime next month:

Week 1-8 test Prop @ 100mg eod
Week 1-8 Anavar @ 60 mg ED
Week 1-8 Masteron @ 100mg eod

PCT nolva or clomid?

I'm not too sure about the test, seeing how I've got some minor gyno from my previous cycle. Been on letro for up to 3 months last year and that didn't get rid of it. I'm not keen to try the letro again because it sucked big time. No libido, sore joints, no energy.

Maybe lower or remove the test? I've heard some good reviews of Mast/var only. Or should I add some aromasin or adex? I want some lean mass gain, get the hard and dry lookthat only masteron can give me and I offcourse don't want to make the gyno worse. On occasion the gyno flares up a wee bit and is sensitive for few days/week but afterwards that it doesn't bother me.

Oh my stats are : 26yrs old, 191 lbs, 10%bodyfat
u need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) the whole cycle from start to finish to prevent estrogen related sides like gyno and others , an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) should always be used to control estrogen . look into arimidex or aromasin .U need to have test as a base in all cycles .DO not remove it , all steroids shut down ur bodies natural pruduction of test leaving u with no test in your system which will cause u many sides and feeling like shit . this is why it is always used as a base for all cycles . prop dosage is good but id recommend extending the cycle to 12 weeks , use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) post cycle therapy (pct) 4-5 days after last prop injection
Id use aromasin (exemestane) and tamox at 10mg/day. The exemestane to mange estrogen levels - the tamox to protect / potentially treat gyno.
u need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) the whole cycle from start to finish to prevent estrogen related sides like gyno and others , an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) should always be used to control estrogen . look into arimidex or aromasin .U need to have test as a base in all cycles .DO not remove it , all steroids shut down ur bodies natural pruduction of test leaving u with no test in your system which will cause u many sides and feeling like shit . this is why it is always used as a base for all cycles . prop dosage is good but id recommend extending the cycle to 12 weeks , use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) post cycle therapy (pct) 4-5 days after last prop injection

This is what I would recomend also.
u need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) the whole cycle from start to finish to prevent estrogen related sides like gyno and others , an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) should always be used to control estrogen . look into arimidex or aromasin .U need to have test as a base in all cycles .DO not remove it , all steroids shut down ur bodies natural pruduction of test leaving u with no test in your system which will cause u many sides and feeling like shit . this is why it is always used as a base for all cycles . prop dosage is good but id recommend extending the cycle to 12 weeks , use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) post cycle therapy (pct) 4-5 days after last prop injection
The masteron dosage is good aswell or should I increase it ? Seeing how it's supposed to be a mild anti E aswell. And wich post cycle therapy (pct) is best for this cycle? Nolva or clomid?

Id use aromasin (exemestane) and tamox at 10mg/day. The exemestane to mange estrogen levels - the tamox to protect / potentially treat gyno.
Use both at 10mg/day all the way through the cycle? Ya think it could treat gyno even while on cycle? And how would you start post cycle therapy (pct)? run the tamox after the cycle at increased dosage?
This is what I would recomend also.
Letro is removing existing Gyno, i saw with my own eyes
Yeah I've seen it happen aswell, just didn't work for me. I hear it works in some cases and doesn't in others.

Thanks guys, just want to make sure I'm doing this the right way
Whats up guys? Signed up here cause I needed some advice.

I'm thinking of doing the following cycle sometime next month:

Week 1-8 test Prop @ 100mg eod
Week 1-8 Anavar @ 60 mg ED
Week 1-8 Masteron @ 100mg eod

PCT nolva or clomid?

I'm not too sure about the test, seeing how I've got some minor gyno from my previous cycle. Been on letro for up to 3 months last year and that didn't get rid of it. I'm not keen to try the letro again because it sucked big time. No libido, sore joints, no energy.

Maybe lower or remove the test? I've heard some good reviews of Mast/var only. Or should I add some aromasin or adex? I want some lean mass gain, get the hard and dry lookthat only masteron can give me and I offcourse don't want to make the gyno worse. On occasion the gyno flares up a wee bit and is sensitive for few days/week but afterwards that it doesn't bother me.

Oh my stats are : 26yrs old, 191 lbs, 10%bodyfat

I ll be running the same , only adding npp to what you ll be doing
1-8 npp @ 450 mg/ week
1-8 masteron p @ 400mg/ week
1-9 test p @ 400
3-9 var @ 50 mgs daily

I wouldn't count on masteron as an anti E .. I'm adding adex
All the way Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500*2 / week till pct
Caber all the way , which you won't need as u are not dealing with prog crap coming from 19 nors

Good luck
Try 50clomid 20nolva and 20 pumps of formestane a day. I've been doing this for 3 weeks now, gyno is shrinking, and I'm making gains!!
u need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) the whole cycle from start to finish to prevent estrogen related sides like gyno and others , an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) should always be used to control estrogen . look into arimidex or aromasin .U need to have test as a base in all cycles .DO not remove it , all steroids shut down ur bodies natural pruduction of test leaving u with no test in your system which will cause u many sides and feeling like shit . this is why it is always used as a base for all cycles . prop dosage is good but id recommend extending the cycle to 12 weeks , use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) post cycle therapy (pct) 4-5 days after last prop injection

Why 12 weeks?
I ve tried short esters for 8 weeks cycles and had great results
My last test p npp 8 weeks cycle was the best cycle I had