
Yep. Im not sure why those directions have such high % of solvents. People have been successfull with lower %'s, maybe someone will chime in with exact figures.
thanks man i just do not want to use that high of a dose. correct me if i am wrong but didn't you prop? what bb and ba % did you use?
I used dazed's oil/solvent solution for my prop because i was making 200mg/ml for a prop tren mix. In the future i am going to try and make it with low solvent like 3%ba and 7%bb, i think i remember someone making it successfully at those %'s.
if you want to make a mix like what you were saying do you need to use dazed magic solution? and if so what are the directions?
jarbulldog said:
if you want to make a mix like what you were saying do you need to use dazed magic solution? and if so what are the directions?

You dont need to use dazed's solution for 200mg/ml, but he says it should be able to hold short esters at that concentration and be virtually pain free. In my case it didnt work, i had to add a little bb to get it to hold and i havent used it yet to know if there is pain. House1 on here said he used dazed's solution for 200mg/ml and it worked perfect. To make that concentration with ba and bb it will most likely require a lot of solvent which would probably make it some painful stuff. Dazed's solution is really easy to use, for example: If you want to make 100ml's of prop at 200mg/ml, you put 20 grams of prop powder in a beaker, then fill it to the 100 ml mark (or just add 85ml's of the solution if you dont have a beaker), heat it up till it goes into solution, filter and bake.

does dazes solution have much of a smell? sometimes you can tel what its got in it by the smell. taste t as well.
pullinbig said:
does dazes solution have much of a smell? sometimes you can tel what its got in it by the smell. taste t as well.

When i got it, i smelled it right away to see if i can smell what's in it. It smells like oil, i dont smell anything else really, it's very hard to tell. I remember Mr.T saying Dazed uses some really interesting ingredients in it or something like that.
NYCEE said:
I used dazed's oil/solvent solution for my prop because i was making 200mg/ml for a prop tren mix. In the future i am going to try and make it with low solvent like 3%ba and 7%bb, i think i remember someone making it successfully at those %'s.

My prop did not hold at 200mg/mL with 5% BA and 15% BB. It held at 150mg/mL. It will not hold at 200mg/mL with those BA & BB %.
Miracle-Man said:
My prop did not hold at 200mg/mL with 5% BA and 15% BB. It held at 150mg/mL. It will not hold at 200mg/mL with those BA & BB %.

I was talking about 100mg/ml prop with 3% and 7%