bulldog god
why on the direction to make prop is the bb so at 15%? can you make it lower?
jarbulldog said:if you want to make a mix like what you were saying do you need to use dazed magic solution? and if so what are the directions?
pullinbig said:does dazes solution have much of a smell? sometimes you can tel what its got in it by the smell. taste t as well.
NYCEE said:I used dazed's oil/solvent solution for my prop because i was making 200mg/ml for a prop tren mix. In the future i am going to try and make it with low solvent like 3%ba and 7%bb, i think i remember someone making it successfully at those %'s.
Miracle-Man said:My prop did not hold at 200mg/mL with 5% BA and 15% BB. It held at 150mg/mL. It will not hold at 200mg/mL with those BA & BB %.