Proper post cycle therapy (pct) Recomendations


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Proper PCT Recomendations

a few weeks left...

Im on 200 test prop EOD... I take 300-500 HCG every 5 days... I know I start post cycle therapy (pct) with prop 3 days after last injection.. I have clomid and nolva, but would like to know the dosages and for how long...
I like Clomid at
100mg - 2 weeks
50mg - 2 weeks (or until nuts are plump and test seems back to normal)

If you use Nolva then use 40mg and 20mg respectively.
I aksed a similar question to this on another board once and got bombarded by their "chairman" members with a whole host of their "herbal" alternatives that "are more effective and safer" blah blah blah... I'm so glad steroidology hasn't gone down that route.
Personally i like to run my post cycle therapy (pct) for a little longer and prefer to just run one or the other (clomid/nolvadex) not both. Remember to stop the HCG before the post cycle therapy (pct) otherwise its counter productive.
dbol said:
I aksed a similar question to this on another board once and got bombarded by their "chairman" members with a whole host of their "herbal" alternatives that "are more effective and safer" blah blah blah... I'm so glad steroidology hasn't gone down that route.
Personally i like to run my post cycle therapy (pct) for a little longer and prefer to just run one or the other (clomid/nolvadex) not both. Remember to stop the HCG before the post cycle therapy (pct) otherwise its counter productive.

That stuff pisses me off. Those people don't have logical discussions on the matter they just regurgitate advertisements. I have no problem with somebody throwing that crap in with regular post cycle therapy (pct) but it's a complete waste of money in my opinion. Countless medical studies show the safety and effectiveness of nolva and clomid for restarting the HPTA. It is so well proven that they are the basis of any professional medical approach in these circumstances. So why ignore all of that and rely on some herbs from a shady supplement company? They'll give you crap about the pharmaceutical industry focusing solely on making money. Well what the fuck are supplement companies trying to do? Community service? At least the pharm industry approach is heavily regulated and backed up with multiple valid scientific studies. Herbs on the other hand, not so much. Like I said above, they may give some minor benefit or whatever, but they should never under any circumstances completely replace standard post cycle therapy (pct) protocol. Anyone who tells you otherwise has an interest in the product sales (Nelson Montana) or is just another retard who sucked up false info and then regurgitates it out for others to use.
wood78221 said:
if u run HCG in post cycle therapy (pct), is it counter productive?

Depends on what you mean. It's inhibitory to natural test production so technically "yes." But if used during a cycle or leading up to post cycle therapy (pct) it can be a very good thing.
Yeah its best used before you start post cycle therapy (pct) as HCG does not restart natural test production, it simply boosts it. This can lead to an increase in estrogen and through the feedback this causes, can cause the body to shut down natural test production further afterwards.
If you use it before post cycle therapy (pct) starts, then it can help return your balls to normal size, and then the post cycle therapy (pct) will restart your natural test.
Nelson Montana, Anthony Roberts and Needto all do my nut in. Anthony Roberts pisses me of most of all with his latest bullshit Myogen X crap and the ridiculous claims of what amounts to fuck all but a half teaspoon of some leaves. Not only that, but he cites a study on rats that supposedly boosted the test of the rats by 200%. What he fails to mention is that the rats had to be supplied 50mg per kilo in order for it to have any effect, which equates to around 9kg for the average guy. So you basically have to eat an entire bush full in order to see a boost in testosterone, thats assuming it would even have an effect on humans. Prick, he always ignores that point even when its brought up in black and white.