Proposed Tren Cycle. Feedback Please


New member
I want to get some critique on my upcoming cycle, so that you can make me aware if I am missing anything.

26 year old male
180 lbs
15.3% body fat(Bod Pod)

I have been training for several years now and have done several cycles of testosterone enanthate at 500mg/week for 12 weeks.

Proposed Cycle:
My goal is to add 8 lbs of muscle while keeping body fat at or under 14%.
Week 1 to 8 - Test Prop @ 100 EOD
Week 1 to 8 - Tren Ace @ 75 EOD
Week 1 to 8 - Arimidex @ 0.25 EOD
Week 1 to 8 - HCG @ 250iu twice weekly

Take 3 days off from everything at this point then PCT @ clomid 100/50/50/50 and tamox 40/20/20/20

-I had high E2(70.9) with Test E @ 500mg/week mid-cycle. Should I up this from .25EOD to .50EOD? Or use Aromasin?
-I really would like to try Tren, many of the sides people warn about are related to mental well-being, which I feel pretty comfortable with and have not had any issues thus far. Any additional supplements I should have on hand for Tren sides?
-Are my goals appropriate for this stack?

Let me know what you think. Thanks.
agreed with tbone, 8lbs of muscle is achievable over....6-12 months. Not 8 weeks. You can definitely put on weight, but it won't be all muscle.
I would run. 25mg of Adex every day given your previous blood work. Unless your body fat was a lot higher in that previous cycle.
Sorry man, you're just not ready yet. You've done testosterone, and asking questions about estradiol. If you had that kind of E2 while on tren, you would be having a series of very bad days.

I'd try deca or maybe an oral first. You want to work your way up to tren, not just jump in head first, hoping the water is deep enough.

My .02c :)
Sorry man, you're just not ready yet. You've done testosterone, and asking questions about estradiol. If you had that kind of E2 while on tren, you would be having a series of very bad days.

I'd try deca or maybe an oral first. You want to work your way up to tren, not just jump in head first, hoping the water is deep enough.

My .02c :)

Good catch... Maybe do another test cycle the right way.

Read up bud
Thanks everyone. I intend on having several blood tests done during cycle.

I have some thinking to do whether or not I want to use Tren.
I ran Tren my very first cycle with little guidance and no PCT. I'm told, but have no real idea, that I was on a very low dosage and should not have had many sides.... I had them ALL!!! The night sweats were insane, crazy dreams, Insomnia, Always horny due to Test, but unable to keep it up.. The acne didn't kick in until I was off cycle for about 3 weeks and it hit hard on my back and chest. Still dealing with it about a month later. My sexual performance is just NOW returning to normal. The hit I took cardio wise was pronounced and really made me nervous. I went from being able to do an hour of cardio a day down to struggling with 5 minutes of cardio. I was breathing heavy ALL the time.

I did love the strength I gained on Tren and I have kept it, but I also was at too high a BF% top even be doping a cycle so the post cycle weight loss has been great. Since I've been off I posted my experience here and I have learned a lot reading and asking questions. The main take away was diet, diet and diet. I've dropped about 15 lbs total while maintaining my strength and am seeing a lot more definition. My attitude did change a little. I'm a pretty mellow guy for the most part and I did get a bit more aggressive, but reigned it in pretty well. My training was pretty intense in that I could lift for much longer and much heavier than usual. My cardio came back pretty quickly after ending my cycle.

WHEN I do my next cycle, I'll start much more gently and ease into this as I should have in the beginning.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against Tren, just be aware of it's serious potential to both help you AND screw with you. I'd like to do it again after I have a few more cycles under my belt and I'm in much better shape to take full advantage of it.