protein deprivation


New member
anyone heard of trying to deprive yourself of protein and get the minimum for about 3 weeks. Suposedly works like when someone crash diets and then when they eat again the body expects to go through that again so it uses all the fat it gets. Same with the protein, when you start eating alot again your body will make the most use of all of it.

Anyone tried this or have any thoughts on it?
The only think it could bring to you is high very high level of Uric-Acid.
and then is very worse for the body. that's 1)

3 week with low protein increase the lactic-acid convertion, while the nitrogen could not be metabolised correctly. sore-contraction... that's 2)

Who to hell, is the donkey than told you that?

you can make it with low carb. if you are under 9% BF. and training light, and only by pump. for at MOSt 8 days. no more.