... ok ... someone said to me earlier today.... protein is protein... we were arguing about the benefits of "REAL" food over protein shakes. thoughts please. common guys don't be shy and sound off.
Suareezay said:real food is better. more nutrients, better bioavailability. Does it really make that big of a difference? no.
Thoms said:*Real foods ARE NOT protein shakes. Try living for the rest of your life on shakes and see what happens.
*and even so, protein IS NOT protein. There are different kinds with different benefits. To set a stupid example, some of your bones is protein. Not even water soluble. The differences between say, milk or soy or whey protein, are more subtle off course, but they are there.
as with anything though.....with the word, "supplement" is as....lilboy2 said:that being said, whey does have its place as a "suppliment"... but hence the word itself "suppliment"...... real food first,,, supps second.
Yes, you absorb a whey shake faster than a real meal, and some use it right after workout in the hopes of recovering/building quicker.Phil9999 said:not to hijack the thread but i heard drinking a whey shake after ur workout is better because u absorb it better is this true? opposed to eating a high protein meal right after.